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Away from our own activities in our agency, we asked ourselves how we can strengthen the content of the so complex, important and often controversially discussed topic of diversity as
ONE8Y Sports Marketing Agency
. We see many strong individual opinions, but hardly any reliable data that helps to classify the facts in an analytical and unagitated way. And this is exactly where we came in and launched a large multi-topic survey on the topic of "diversity" among sports enthusiasts. The result: 41 exciting statistics, which we make available to you, dear sports business
#community, free of charge in our global sports business database "ONE8Y DB".
Simply visit our database at www.one8y-db.com and enter the search term "diversity study". Then you will get access to all 41 following statistics, all download options, etc.. And if you need the data in German, just click on the top right and change the language ??. You will find insights like this:
Or something like this, the "Diversity ranking" of football clubs:
Get access to the full list:
- Individual perception of exclusion in selected sports
- Assessment of the extent of homophobia and transphobia in different sports
- Assessment of the problem and extent of homo- and transphobia in sports
- Assessment of the contribution of sport to diversity in society
- Preferred type of gender-neutral language use
- Assessment of the extent of homophobia and transphobia in different sports
- Assessment of the problem and extent of homo- and transphobia in sports
- Role of sport as a driver for diversity and variety in society
- Comparison of interests between selected women's and men's sports
- Aided awareness of the "Diversity Charter" association
- Self-perception of discrimination and/or disadvantage and the reasons for it
- Weekly working time of people interested in sports by gender
- Agreement with selected statements on equality in sport
- Diversity ranking of different sports
- Attitude towards gender-neutral language use among people interested in sports
- Credibility of diversity campaigns in sport
- Support the introduction of gender equality measures in the workplace at EU level
- Importance of sport as a driver for diversity and variety in society
- Importance of the appearance of diverse people in sports campaigns
- Attitude toward increased media coverage of women's soccer
- National distribution of religions or denominations among people interested in sports
- Employment status of people interested in sports by gender
- National distribution of sexual orientations among people interested in sports
- National distribution of groups of people among people interested in sports
- Evaluation of the attractiveness of selected features/ benefits of an employer
- Agreement with selected statements about diversity in sports
- Agreement with selected statements on the topic of diversity in companies
- Selected reasons for discrimination in professional life
- Perception of racism in selected areas of life
- Advocacy for the support of diversity-promoting associations
- Aided awareness of selected campaigns/ initiatives in the context of diversity
- Aided awareness of the abbreviation for the gay, trans, bi and queer movement
- Share of sports clubs promoting integration and overview of measures
- Aided awareness of selected clubs/ associations for diversity in sport
- External perception of discrimination and/or disadvantage and the reasons for it
- Willingness to increase consumption of women's soccer due to more extensive medialization
- Evaluation of the contribution of stakeholders to strengthening diversity in sport
- Diversity ranking of Bundesliga clubs from the fans' perspective in the 2022/2023 season
- Diversity ranking of 2. Bundesliga clubs from the fans' perspective in the 2022/2023 season
- Diversity ranking of 3. Liga clubs from the fans' perspective in the 2022/2023 season
- Unaided brand awareness in the context of diversity
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For individual research needs, including quick insights within one week, please send an email [email protected]?or send me dm on LinkedIn.
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