ONE8Y DB Newsletter #5

ONE8Y DB Newsletter #5

Hey! You are now?one of more than 1,000?readers?to receive this weekly?ONE8Y DB?newsletter – thank you for your interest and support! This newsletter is dedicated to share data about our?#sportbusiness?industry in?order to raise the level of data-driven & smarter decisions. Enjoy reading.

Insights you should not miss this week

The Super League - Special edition

On the occasion of the final appeal of the Advocate General of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the Super League legal dispute, announced today, we have published a representative market research study in our global sports business database "ONE8Y DB". As part of the results, which are based on the statements of n=10,090 soccer enthusiasts in the Big Five markets of Europe (share by country: Germany n=2,034, Spain n=2,000, France n=2,000, Italy n=2,000, England, n=2,056), a clear picture emerges: The Super League is significantly more popular among "under-25" soccer fans than in the overall sample! When asked about their support for a potential Super League, a cumulative 59% of under 25-year-olds from Europe's Big-Five-markets answered "yes" – in contrast to the 42% in favor among all of the more than ten thousand respondents.

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It is interesting to look at the individual european markets: The highest level of approval for the Super League is generally found in Spain, where the approval rating among the 2,000 respondents is 60% in total and 67% among the under 25-year-olds. In England, the motherland of soccer, the generational conflict is most distinct. While slightly more than half of the young target group (54%) are in favor of a possible Super League, the corresponding figure for the over 25-year-olds is just 25%. In 2nd place of the difference comparison between the over and under 25-year-olds is already Germany, where the gap is 27% (i.e. 62% under 25-year-olds to 35% of over 25-year-olds). A similarly high level with almost the same distribution can be seen in France. In Italy, the level of supporters among all 2,000 soccer fans surveyed is on the second lowest level in all target groups, but therefore the gap in interest between the generations is the least pronounced?.

With the exception of Spain, where an obviously stronger overall euphoria for the Super League is recognizable, the share of national supporters among all surveyed soccer fans of the other 4 markets is still clearly below 50%. A look at the younger generation, however, shows that a format such as the Super League is more likely to be supported in general - and it is precisely here that the special nature of the young target group(s) becomes apparent. This generation of "young fans" is not won over with tradition and past successes - but with diversified formats, superstars and entertainment.

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Another distinctive aspect of our database results is the "national attractiveness ranking" of selected soccer competitions. While in Germany, Italy and England, the respective national league has the highest level of attractiveness, in France "Ligue 1" and in Spain "La Liga" comes in second behind the UEFA Champions League. In response to the question of where the soccer fans surveyed would rank the Super League, the currently non-existent Super League is already in 4th place out of 5 in Spain. If we look at the top 1 answers (on a scale of 5), i.e. the highest level of attractiveness, we can see that the Super League is gaining ground in the attractiveness ranking across all the European markets surveyed. Even if the majority of respondents from all markets reject this league as the status quo, it is striking that a non-existent league can already gain ground on existing formats in this observation.


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All the best, Hendrik


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