One year on – reflection on CRUK’s first organisation-wide EDI strategy
In January 2021, Cancer Research UK launched its first cross-organisational EDI strategy, with a vision to create a charity where everyone benefits from, and participates in the work we do, and feels like they belong. A year on we wanted to look back at our achievements, areas for improvement and priorities for 2022.
While there is still a long way to go, we are pleased to have made progress in:
Our work on reducing cancer inequalities included the publication of our tobacco and inequalities report ‘Making conversations count for all’ which outlined best practices for delivering smoking cessation guidance to different socioeconomic groups. In addition to this, we’ve reached over 50,000 people through our Health Community Engagement team, with a focus on people with the poorest outcomes living in the most deprived areas of the UK.
To address diversity and inclusion in the research community, we published diversity data on our grant funding, produced a specific EDI in research action plan demonstrating our commitments for change, and set up new career mentoring schemes
We’re pleased to be achieving a gender balance of 50% at leadership level including the appointment of a female COO and other female senior leaders. The introduction of anonymous CVs, online inclusive recruitment training
?We’ve surveyed our volunteers and are looking at how we can increase diversity in three main areas – younger people, volunteers from a low socioeconomic group and males – and in the autumn, we launched our new Valuing Difference campaign to celebrate the different perspectives that can enrich our workplace culture. Throughout last year we also continued to evolve and embed our workplace adjustment process
We’ve made progress in diversifying our Involvement Network, with 27% of new members from a Black or ethnic minority background, and we’re developing a new leadership behaviour programme as a result of feedback from our staff survey. We’ve also announced changes to our trustees, members and committees as we look to achieve increased diversity across our governance, advisory and leadership structures.
At Cancer Research UK, our information reaches millions of people every year, so we have a responsibility to make sure it is easy to access and understood by all audiences, something that we have worked hard on as part of our fifth and final strategic priority. To help identify audiences we may not be reaching with our information services, we’re collecting information on the people currently accessing Cancer Chat and About Cancer – available through our website – as well as the Cancer Awareness Roadshows and Cancer Awareness in the workplace.
We know there is still a long way to go in a number of areas. The pandemic, internal restructuring and the reduction of our workforce has impacted on our progress. In light of this we’ve made the decision to extend the timeline to achieve our demographic targets. We’re disappointed to have seen a reduction in the proportion of ethnic minority staff at the end of November 2021, and we recognise we have much more to do to improve the diversity of our senior leadership team.
During 2022 we’ll be focussing on:
We remain committed to change and will report on progress and challenges annually. We believe by putting equality, diversity and inclusion at the heart of our charity, and setting ourselves ambitious targets, that we will become the best charity that we can be, a leader in diversity and inclusion, and make the greatest progress in our collective fight against cancer.
Empowering voices , Enabling change.
3 年Serena El-Ajouz Assoc CIPD Clare Periton