One Year On(wards)

The seeds that we sow today may take years to unravel.  That is why, when I look back at the past twelve months, I realise how much of what has been possible is truly the result of the investments in time and effort made over the past few years.  Ideas and concepts that I learn along the way may ignite new ideas instantly or may bide their time to transform into something more impactful later. What is important is to keep cultivating those seeds and let them take me on a journey of growth.

It's your first work anniversary (says LinkedIn)!

What do I take away from my first work anniversary, which coincides with my first year back in Hong Kong?

Being a “returnee” allows me to observe what remains the same and what has changed in this city. Despite the familiarity, there is still so much to discover, explore and build. This brings me to my first takeaway – stay curious. The business ecosystem in Hong Kong, regionally and globally continues to develop, necessitating the energy and curiosity to ask questions, find out what people and businesses are paying attention to and read compulsively to gain knowledge outside my domain. Everyone has a story to tell, and I am constantly asking for, listening to and learning from these conversations.

Build, build, build connections. There is no doubt that I work alongside incredible professionals; people who care about the quality of the work that we deliver. The ability to deliver still falls back to building connections, trust and teamwork to do whatever it takes to fulfill our goals. This obsession extends beyond the organization to the community as well because we succeed when our business partners and clients succeed. I am grateful to count so many more friends now (including "old" friends), which makes this journey even more fun and meaningful.

Anchored by purpose. This helps me stay grounded, in the face of change. I learn to accept new perspectives and embrace change as an avenue for growth. Take, for example, the office relocation which has finally arrived after months of planning, communication and is now in the final stages of execution. What I have come to observe is that this is not merely a physical change. It demands a change in psyche, because we will be moving into an “office of the future”. Enabled by mobile technology and smart office functionality, this is the opportunity to “live” the future of work. I am curious about how my own experience will unfold ….. let’s see!

Keep giving. If there is one thing I have done more of during the past year, compared to all the years before, it is this: sharing. I have enjoyed sharing every post and article, and the #fireinmybelly keeps me learning a great deal in the process.

The areas that I shall continue to build on are:

 If there is one thing I will now ask, it is this: what would you like to hear more about?

Thanks for reading!

Sue Yen LEOW

