One Year with a Curling-Related Traumatic Brain Injury

One Year with a Curling-Related Traumatic Brain Injury

Today marks one year since the fateful Saturday (March 12, 2022), when I slipped on the ice during a game at the?Philadelphia Curling Club??(PCC), sustaining what was determined to be a Level I Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). That mishap began a long recovery from which I didn't fully emerge until early this year.

I still don’t recall all the specifics of what precipitated my fall, nor some details of what occurred immediately afterwards. But I do know several things in general:

  • That I previously had no idea the impact a severe head injury could have on cognitive functions, memory, mood, physical equilibrium, or endurance; naturally, my co-workers, family and friends did not understand these things either.
  • That I was fortunate to have a caring group of PCC members, including a board of directors that already had in place a strict policy of “hit your head, go to the ER.” And I am especially grateful to PCC’s then-president?Ian Alexander, who remained with me in the emergency room for over five hours until I was admitted to the hospital for further observation and imaging.
  • That I was likewise blessed to have family and friends who offered patience and support, especially in the early weeks of recovery when I needed to be driven to appointments and was even more irritable and moody than usual.
  • That Pennsylvania's?Paoli Hospital?and Dr. Ajit Jada determined that while I fortunately did not have a cerebral hematoma or “brain bleed” as initially diagnosed, they did discover a long-present, deep-seated meningioma: Generally a benign form of tumor, my 8mm meningioma was determined to indeed be both benign and calcified, and not to be one of long-term concern—but that conclusion came only after three weeks of anxiety before an MRI image could taken after swelling from my injury subsided.
  • That myself and other local head injury victims are lucky to have access to the highly-regarded Brain Center at the?Bryn Mawr Rehab?Hospital (BMRH) in Malvern, PA. There I received ongoing assessment and several months of helpful physical, occupational, and memory/speech therapy.
  • That the general public does not understand brain injuries: How to assess their severity, what their symptoms may be, the potential impact brain injuries have on victims’ work and personal lives, what care and treatment victims might need, how long the effects might last, and the importance of preventing and avoiding repeat injuries. As a result, victims may feel compelled to work when they shouldn’t—or conversely, that they may be treated with excessive wariness even after they have been cleared to return to full, normal activity.

Head Injuries and Curling:

With specific regard to head injuries in curling, my personal experiences and my research of the limited resources available on the topic produced these insights:

  • That the U.S. curling community is generally too cavalier about preventing head-injury-yielding accidents and safeguarding curlers when such incidents occur. Although it’s a singular anecdote of mine, I was stunned to learn that I was one of three curlers being treated simultaneously last year (and at least one more this year) by BMRH’s Brain Center, despite the small number of active curlers in southeastern Pennsylvania and Delaware.
  • Fortunately, the dearth of information, serious research, and preventative actions in the U.S. curling community is compensated by far more extensive studies, analysis, and proactive safety rules among our curling brethren in Canada. (See list and links below.)
  • The key finding among the Canadian studies and research regarding serious curling injuries I reviewed is a large majority of head and upper-limb injuries are attributable to footing and footwear issues, including:

Severe head injuries can best be addressed by increased emphasis on the proper use and maintenance of footwear, combined with requiring protective headgear.

  • Not using a “gripper” or other safety covering for the curler’s sliding foot while not engaged in throwing a stone
  • Worn, overly-smooth, or damaged grippers
  • Grippers that don’t fit properly (too large, too small) or that have not been securely affixed to the sliding shoe before continuing play
  • Initially stepping onto the ice with an exposed slider foot
  • Tripping or misplaced footing when moving between the ice and boards
  • Being struck in a foot or feet by an errant stone, or
  • Accidentally stepping onto or tripping over an unseen curling stone.

To Summarize:

There is a need for more accessible resources on the consequences of serious brain injuries, both among the general public, but also in the workplace and recreational sports such as curling, where accidental head injuries are more likely to occur.

In curling, its governing bodies, associations and clubs should proactively move toward a requirement (or at least a strong recommendation) of effective protective headgear for all curlers while they are on or near an ice surface. However, junior and youth curler should not have the option of curling without protective head gear.

While most curlers prefer to compete without use of protective headwear, the curling community should move assertively toward a safer stance. I am old enough to remember when bicycle helmets were the subject of derision among youthful riders, but they are now required in many, if not most U.S. communities; likewise, I’ve also watched helmet-less players disappear from professional hockey rinks, as all new players were required to wear them, while players who entered the leagues without helmets were allowed to continue…but all of those who were “grandfathered” have now retired.

Articles and Research About Curling Injuries:

Injuries in Recreational Curling Include Head Injuries and May Be Prevented by Using Proper Footwear

Concerns: Many Curlers Play Bareheaded Despite Calls for Helmets

Gold Medalist Gushue’s Fall Spurs Concussion Talk in Curling

Falls and Fatality Have Curlers Thinking About Head Safety

Canada Introduces Guidelines for Players Suffering Head Injuries



Mark W. Jones, J.D.的更多文章

