One Worlds Religion and Importance of It
One World Religion and Importance of It
By Bogdan Majkic 1. January 2025
Our world is multinational and multicultural, no matter where we step foot. There are many different beliefs and cultures followed by people who practice various forms of worship. Throughout history and across millennia, humans have tended to adopt spiritual leaders, create gods (whether divine they thought or man-made), and worship them. Some leaders proclaimed themselves as Gods too for control factor. Humans tend to seek spiritual protection, which is why spirituality and worship are so important for them. They seek protection in various forms, especially from the invisible forces that they believe offer spiritual guidance and safety.
But protection from what is one of the most important questions. And why?
The concept of life, in any form, revolves around the battle between good and evil. Just as we live in a physical form now, this idea extends to the spiritual realm when we die and transform from our physical form into a spiritual one.
Are these beliefs true and real?
Every skeptic would likely deny the existence of such concepts. So, are the skeptics right or wrong? Perhaps it's best to mention that just because many of us haven't experienced anything extraordinary or out-of-the-ordinary, it doesn't mean skeptics are correct and these spiritual concepts are untrue.
So how can we find the real truth and explain why we need a connection with the spiritual world and to practice spirituality?
As I mentioned earlier, every group of people has its own legends, gods, and saints that they worship, follow, and acknowledge. They follow cultural traditions when doing so, but some have personal reasons for believing in them, others, or even man-made gods.
Almost the entire world is based on beliefs and worshiping something. These beliefs are called by many different names, depending on the language and culture, which leads to various gods and leaders to worship or follow. No matter where we look in this world, we see worshiping and following of chosen spiritual entities, as a normal human nature and behavior.
Human need for worshiping is also proof that we are naturally born as Spiritual beings as well. It kind of works both ways, Physical form in need for Spiritual form and Spiritual form in need for physical form. Where often Spiritual beings are in need for the physical body. Not all can be done from Spiritual form, that is why.
Are we all wrong in doing so and worshiping many things, and do we really get the protection we all seek? Often but not always we do get protection so you know. A lot depends on our auctions and who or what we worship. Some sects and social systems completely deny the existence of God or anything spiritual. However, that does not mean they are right, and I know personally that they, and those who think like them, are very wrong. Let me explain why.
First of all, humans and all of us are spiritual beings in physical human form. The proof of this is that we possess spirit, soul, and body—elements that are created and stored within us. But were we created by ourselves, or perhaps were we created long before our time? It is as though we incarnate into our bodies from the spiritual world when we are born and take our first breath.
The truth is, there is a bit of both involved here. Both options are true and real.
"Real" is one of the most important words in my story and article, followed by the question: What is the real truth in all of this?
Besides my intention to explain various religions and beliefs, I also want to express the true facts and provide confirmation of this, once and for all. I know, and it's not just something I think or believe, that I am the right person to explain all of this.
My goal is to help bring the world closer together and unite humanity by sharing the real truth about it all.
Some of you might ask, "Who am I, and how do I know the real truth?"
I have already published three articles on this topic, sharing much of what I know.
This article is a continuation and holds great importance for both; the world and humanity. Who am I, and how do I know the real truth—the only truth there is and the only truth there ever will be?
This truth has been confirmed to me by divine spiritual beings and even extraterrestrials.
I am a reincarnated spirit in this body. I remember my life before this one and the things of the greatest importance—perhaps the most significant truths ever. As I mentioned before, the name "Lord" and "God Creator Anak" have come up.
Well, this time I am telling you that the Lord figure is me.
I am the right hand of God Creator Anak. I am the only Son of God Anak, who was killed before I was sent here. As I’ve said before, God Creator Anak has been murdered and is now dead. He exists only in spiritual form, though, I should add, he is still incredibly powerful and strong—the strongest spirit that has ever existed, the most advanced being to ever live or rule.
I am his son, and my name was Lord.
I remember him, everything that happened, and how it all transpired. I know the truth.
It’s very risky to speak like this in today’s world, so I have tried to approach this in sections, giving you bits of the story, hinting at the larger picture. But today, I feel compelled to explain everything properly and to share why I am writing about this.
I am writing this article because I find it to be extremely important—an article that truly matters to all of us. The explanation of all this is crucial for the future of this world, and I will explain why a bit later.
Now, ask yourself: Who was God's right hand throughout history? Who was the only way to the Holy Father, and through whom was this possible?
Who was his son?
I’m sure most of you know the answer to those questions. His name was Jesus, or Yeshua. His new name is the Lord—King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I’m sure you all recognize this saying or phrase, which, believe it or not, is also true. In simple terms, the Lord is here and living among us. Jesus is here, living among us now.
I was also told that as confirmation from Divine Beings. Otherwise, I would never say that if they did not confirm to me that I am him and he is me.
Same Son of God that is.
How and why, well it is the same soul who was here long time ago and who lives now.
Lord soul is upgraded into more advanced form and being. But that is because of who I am in Earthy form and being. Which contributed so much to who I am now.
Many people claim to be Jesus or make similar assertions, and they often end up in a mental ward as a result of all that. It’s okay—I was there long ago and already diagnosed. It’s no big deal to me, as they never knew any of this about me. We never discussed such things with the doctors. They know thought that I was possessed by evil spirits. So, what can they diagnose me with this time?
As I speak the truth, I have decided to take a chance and share it openly in this article with all of you. What will happen next remains to be seen—not just by me, but by the whole world, or anyone who reads this article. I have been attacked spiritually for many years, or perhaps my entire life. I was sent here in hiding after they attempted to kill me in another world—on Venus, our true origin planet, for those who don’t know. This has been confirmed to me through many channels.
To me, and I know for certain, everything I speak about is 100% true. I do not lie, and I despise lies. If you choose to believe what I say here, or in any of my previous articles, then you are about to uncover the real truth.
After they killed or murdered God Creator Anak, who was the King of the entire universe, as well as the King and God of everything that ever existed, things took a drastic turn.
The Sumerians and Anunnakies are from the same planet—Venus—and are the same people. They arrived here, as I was told, about 3,000 to 4,000 years ago, or perhaps a little longer. They created real humans and have been maintaining us ever since.
They are you and you are them, so you know.
They have manipulated also old Earthy beings or early humans DNA with their own DNA, and as a result of that we have modern Humans in place in this world. This is how modern Humans were formed.
Adam and Eve were the first to be created, and first modern Humans. That is when Modern true era has begun. Otherwise, Evolution is right and none of these I am saying and what we were told in past is true.
If Evolution is right, then Adam and Eve were never in existence. Or even possible to be.
This is why we are witnessing aliens and seeing them more frequently now than ever before. Aliens are Anunnaki's. They are always helping us in some ways. They have always been helping us here on Earth, just as they are helping their own people who settled on another planet, which is us here. It's similar to how we would create colonies on Mars or any other planet and maintain connection and relations with them in time.
They have never forgotten us or abended us. And they never will. So please believe me when I say this: This is the real truth about our origin and God Creator. The truth I know for sure and which was confirmed to me. Which will be confirmed to you all soon as well.
There is no other God but Anak. The only true God who ever was, and who ever will be, is God Creator Anak, as we called Him by his real name. He was Living Being, and now in spirit, the Eternal Spirit and the Eternal Divine Holy Father—the Highest God, and the only real God to have ever existed.
All other gods were man-made, including saints, spiritual leaders, and even figures like Buddha. They did earn their Titles, don’t take me wrong and they were very Spiritual. They were real also, and we should respect them all always. Most had to fight same battles as I do or did and other Prophets did, Saints etc.
We must acknowledge them and their work.
They stay and we do not forget them. Their legacy stays in place always with each Group of People and Cultures, but here is more advanced version of all which I suggest we all adopt and grow towards.
Grow towards United world and Unity in our Believes in One God there ever was and one true God there ever will be.
Other Gods from Mythology were not Gods, but Human made Gods. This truth is being revealed right now, on this day—January 1st, 2025.
When I speak with Him, the God Creator telepathically, I personally call Him the Holy Father, or Holy One. He is also a Heavenly Father for all species in the whole of Universe and us here, believe it or not. He is still very active, knowing and seeing each one of us, and every soul. That is the real ability of a true God—an ability unlike any other possible. He has his Army and a Flit. So strong and so powerful. Now you know more.
Now you know who the Lord is also and how He even got here in the first place. It wasn't planned, but rather by design, to hide me so that I wouldn't be murdered. The sad truth is that they found me about 20 years ago, and they put me through real hell for so long. This was also one of the reasons why I was diagnosed in the first place—they tried to mess me up for good. I got lucky to get Schizophrenia as Diagnoses. I said to my Dr. Don't you have anything better to give me. He gave me like a smart look. I'm not sure who knew what back then, but I know some knew for certain who I was, even Lucifer himself, as he was attacking me relentlessly.
They attempted to kill me and finish me off many times. Thanks to my Holy Father and the divine warriors and helpers, I have survived them all so far.
How long will that last? Only God and the Divine Beings know.
They, my Divine connections, say I have lived over 300 lives in the past, and I am an ancient Old Soul. Soul also knows and remembers.
Believe me, people, the battle between good and evil is real. It’s a fight each of us faces throughout our lives, and it’s a particularly hard battle for those chosen for something greater—especially in spiritual or religious work. Or very hard for those who know nothing about all this.
I’m sure every priest would believe what I’ve said, but they would find it hard to accept that the one they are waiting for is me—the one who was predicted and promised. And the way it is all given to you all.
It’s time to confess and tell the truth finally, so we can either vanish or begin some real work here on Planet Earth—for all of humanity and life on it!
This is my truth, and I’m sharing it with you. You can take it or leave it—it's up to each one of you to decide. I’m not forcing anything upon anyone, and I never will. What matters to me is how all of this will end and who will win in the end: Good and Divine, or Evil and Devils.
We, as a whole population, are a mix of both, everywhere in this world—and beyond, by the way. So, you know. This is my true story and my confession to this world.
Now, why did I name this article “One World's Religion and the Importance of It?”
The title says it all.
I suggest based on my truth and experiences that we, as a whole world, unite all Religions into one global world Religion.
If you accept my truth, then what we should worship and follow, as we do in the divine world, is to worship One God Creator who is in Heaven and in Spirit now.
That is God Creator Anak.
His home and the Garden of Eden, as I was told and remember are on Venus. Venus is where we humans came from and became who we are. That is why our ancestors always pointed to the planet Venus—the Morning Light Planet, the New Day Planet. But the real reason they pointed to it was because they knew our true origin planet. They left marks for us to know the same, but I guess we never understood what that all meant to mean.
Now you know that as well.
I can tell every human being right now: "If you are not spiritual, you haven’t lived." Remember this, as you will take it with you.
One day, you will discover the reality and the real truth. The divine world, or spiritual world, is divided into 144 levels. The more spiritual one is in this world, the higher the level they will reach in the spiritual world. That is why spirituality matters so much for every human life and every human soul.
Many spiritual teachers say we do not need religion if we are spiritual. Well, they are wrong.
Religion, in its true meaning and purpose, is meant to teach and develop you as a spiritual being—not to become a tool for politics or atrocities around the world. Those are acts of hidden evil within religious institutions and, unfortunately, often within the leaders of those institutions. Not all, but some.
We can easily recognize them by their words and actions. A real divine soul will never lead anyone astray. It will help you live and survive as much as possible.
Evil spirits, which are also real and true, will do the opposite—they will try to destroy you, even if they can.
From my experience, we can’t trust evil or any devil, especially Lucifer and Satan, their leaders.
Worship God Creator Anak. Follow the Sun, the energy source He gave you and charges you with every day. The Sun gives life support and produces many different forms of light and energy, including divine light and energies, which I personally see and possess. I am sure some other people have similar experiences and know the same.
Now, why does one religion matter for humanity so much, especially when the world is so divided today with many different beliefs?
The truth is that one religion would unite humanity, all nations, and each soul into one. One religion, one God, and one humanity—one human life form on this planet and in this world.
One religion would be the ultimate level at which we could all evolve and grow, developing ourselves into master spiritual beings.
When I say "master spiritual being," I mean the ultimate, highest level of spirituality possible—a God-like level of spirituality, which is what God wants us to achieve. He created us in His image, and He wants us to evolve into His God-like spirit.
This is the highest level any life form, especially a human life form and soul, can reach.
There is no higher level than that.
That is the final level for all of us and that is the only one right Path we can take forward, individually and as whole united or as one and as collective.
To reach that highest level, one must be true and good in all things. If not, we will all find the level we have developed to and chosen to be in.
If you want to be good, then be good, and only do good. If you choose to be bad, there is a place for you too—a real place. Hell is real, and there is a special planet where it exists. Many of you will witness it for yourselves individually. It is real, so know this.
And it is each soul for themselves, just like we all come here.
Learn and grow Spiritually, is the message to all.
It is the most important learning and evolution of soul and of greatest importance. Also, adopt and worship “ONE” God Creator. Who was always that and ever will be. No other God’s are real or true as Gods. They were lower levels from God the Creator and not Gods, but spiritual warriors. I also, I am not God, but his son. Jesus was God’s Son and not a God directly. He was Prophet as well and messenger from God. And He still is today.
Spread Spiritual teachings and learning all around the world, and unite please.
You will see the real benefit of all that soon after.
Now this.
Our world is constantly fighting wars everywhere. The main reasons for wars are traditional land greed, territorial demands, and expansion, or they are based on religious differences and hate. Modern wars, however, are often fought for wealth, and primarily for control over energy and mineral resources, where they use religious differences and hate to start wars in first place. Plus, religious hate is real too and so wide.
That is another act of evil and nasty dirty minds.
There is so much hate even between nations based on religious beliefs which is obvious and proven in every war. Take Christianity, for example—it is so divided, and there is so much hatred. Jesus never wanted that and still does not want it. He would be horrified by the division in the worship of His/God’s one true Son, how it's been split into different sects. Jesus was all about unity and prosperity and love too. He was change for the better, a new hope for all. Christianity must unite, and it must do so quickly.
I suggest that all religions unite into one world religion and worship the One God Creator and trust in the truth I have shared with you today. This is the real, highest truth possible.
There are divine beings around who have witnessed this and know the same truth. They have confirmed everything with me.
All you have to do is ask them if you can, and you will hear the truth for yourself—whenever you are ready. I do this easily, by the way and many other people can do too.
Now, imagine if the world were united with one belief, worshiping the one true God who ever existed. Imagine how much hatred would disappear for good, and how much unity and goodness that would bring to this world. I can see it clearly, and I imagine it easily. But I encourage you all to try and envision it for yourselves—what it would be like to be united.
I also suggest that humanity unite on all levels, in time, and accept the fact that we are all the same. There is no "better" race or color. We all share the same origin, and I have already told you what that is.
Many of you have heard of the Anunnaki—they were, and still are, real. Some experts have predicted their return, and guess what? Many are already here, including myself, as one of them from a past life. It is important for all of us to know the truth and to accept the same truth as one unified truth for all of humanity. It is vital that we unite the whole world into one cohesive civilization.
If you don’t believe any of these I have said, then please prove me wrong.
Remember, I am not forcing anything upon anyone. I am merely suggesting the steps that humanity should undertake. This world is full of hate and atrocities created by evil human beings. It is obvious that the evil people and devils are among us. Trust me, there are many of them everywhere. And while it may not be certain, I know for sure that they will act against me after this article.
They will try again to finish me off for good.
They target my soul, not so much my body. But this soul knows all evil and has seen them in many forms throughout time.
Come and get me.
You can’t kill what is destined. Remember that.
As I’ve said, this is destined to happen, and I know it for sure.
I gain nothing from this, and I am not after anything. But this world and humanity would gain everything for good if they follow my suggestions.
The people of God will support me, and the opposition will try to eliminate me.
Whatever God decides will be done, as He does not fear any evil form. He is the Great Holy Father and the Holy Spirit. He is the Greatest one can be! So, my destiny and yours are the same.
Because the destiny of one who truly knows is the destiny of all, regardless of what they may know.
Evil is merciless. They do not have compassion. If they manage to finish me, the Holy Spirit, and other Divine beings, you will all be lost. But doing so is not so easy. As the Holy War rages on, we will see what will happen and what will prevail. I stand for the highest good and unity in all things. I stand for truth and goodness in everything. I stand for all life forms and the harmony of those forms. I stand by you! Think deeply about everything written here. There is a reason for this message, and I believe the time is now for all this to be told.
You have no idea what is out there and what is real or possible.
That is one of the main reasons for me to write to all of you, my dear humans. Trust every word I have written.
And if this means something to any of you, I Bless you all: Na vike vekova, Amen!
God Bless you always.
Nobody else can-do better job.
Thank you for reading.
Energetic Asteroanthropology
1 个月Religions always were crystallized mythologyies Bogdan, and mythological characters always were the plasmagences of our heavenly bodies hierarchized by the Elementological Watchers supervised by the now cellularly integrated Universal Antimatter Codex (UAC). A small nuance.
Engineer - Innovator - Inventor - Researcher - Designer - Insurance Advisor - Financial Advisor - a.k.a. THE78DECK
1 个月I see you have good intentions. Nevertheless, respectfully, I disagree: there is no need to force people all in one box with hurry. Plus, a diamond with no different faces is not a brilliant jewel: it looks just like a stone.