One World in a New World
One World in a New World
Unveiling Tomorrow: Conversations on Consciousness and Change
Apocalyptic Chats
The "Apocalytpic Chat" concept aims to bridge diverse belief systems by encouraging understanding, open communication, and a focus on shared values. Conversations often uncover unspoken, yet shared, knowledge, insight and wisdom. Here’s how the sources suggest this is achieved:
? Exploring Different Perspectives: The show intends to explore various belief systems and perspectives objectively. This includes areas such as metaphysics, astrology, numerology, and channeling. By examining these different viewpoints, the show hopes to foster a broader understanding and reduce the tendency to dismiss unfamiliar ideas.
? Critical Inquiry and Truth-Seeking: The show encourages viewers to ask critical questions to ascertain the core truth surrounding different belief systems. The goal is to move past surface-level disagreements to understand the underlying essence of each belief.
? Sharing Information: The program aims to provide basic information about different belief systems, avoiding excessive detail that might cause confusion. By making information available, the show seeks to dispel ignorance and promote knowledge.
? Balancing Existing Systems: "One World" promotes the idea of balancing existing belief systems to work in harmony. This suggests a move away from the idea that one system is absolutely correct, and towards an approach that seeks the value in diverse systems.
? Moving Beyond Fear and Misinformation: The show recognizes that misinformation, ignorance, and fear create division. By sharing information and promoting a more balanced way of thinking, "One World" aims to reduce fear and encourage unity.
? Emphasis on Accountability: The concept of "One World" is connected to the "age of accountability," where individuals take responsibility for their actions. This involves a shift away from control systems and towards a sharing of responsibility.
? Focus on Actions over Words: The show emphasizes that actions speak louder than words. It suggests that real change comes from applying concepts and feelings to daily life, rather than just discussing them.
? Open Communication: The program promotes open and honest sharing. By dropping barriers and masks, it aims to facilitate genuine connections and understanding4. The show encourages dialogue, even with those with whom we disagree.
? Recognizing Shared Humanity: "One World" highlights that people are united by sharing the same planet, resources, and human experiences. It argues that if we can share these things, we should be able to share cultures and beliefs.
? Critiques of New Age Thinking: The show acknowledges the critiques of "New Age" thinking, noting that it can be vague and disconnected from practical reality. The program seeks to bridge the gap between spiritual concepts and the day-to-day world.
? Personal Experience as a Bridge: The host's personal experience of spiritual awakening is highlighted as a real, tangible event that has shaped his philosophy, suggesting that these experiences, though subjective, can be a powerful way to connect people.
In essence, "One World in a New World" seeks to bridge inner undestanding, diverse belief systems by encouraging people to approach differences with open minds, engage in honest dialogue, and focus on their shared human experience. It encourages a shift from a place of judgment and criticism to one of understanding and cooperation
Zen Benefiel is a visionary, author, coach, and host adept in the realms of personal, professional, and organizational development. His is Operations Director for and Founder of