One World : I've never been to me Becoming confident enough to be yourself
David Rigby
Speaker, Trainer, Coach in Interculturality, Diversity DEIB Inclusion, Communications, Leadership. Providing: experts in Psychological Safety, Cognitive Profiling, Wellness, Spirit, Systems Thinking, Spiral Dynamics
‘I’ve never been to me’ is a song which went to No 1 in the UK charts in 1982. It is pertinent to the situation (COVID-19) we find ourselves in now. It is about having to always be someone else and never being allowed to even find out who you are, let alone actually be that person.
Forward to late 2019, and many in the music industry, are forced to subsume themselves into industry norms and accordingly standardise their personalities. Paradoxically the most successful have not done this. Good British examples are Amy Winehouse and Adele. An outstanding American example is the singer Lizzo.
Come 2020 and COVID-19, the requirement of the performers to be who they are has never been on show quite so much as the ‘One world’ show where performers such as Lady Gaga, Sam Smith and Andrea Bocelli, sang together, each performing from their own home.
How does this affect us?
Many of us are now in lock down and the only places you can go are shops to buy food or pharmacies to pick up meds – the rest of the time, you are at home, either by yourself or with some version of immediate family.
It is the perfect time to discover who you really are – a great opportunity for self-examination, and if you don’t like the ’me’ you actually are, you can set about changing it. Find out more....