One World Government: Pro And Con
One currency (Could be backed by precious metal)
One Military Force (Instead of 195)
One Police Force (Instead of 195)
One Seat of Governance (Instead of 195)
Better Utilization of Resources (Food and Energy and Infrastructure Creation where needed)
Easier to Travel and See The World
Better usage of resources for major tasks (Heavy Lifting Chernobyl and MI Cores, moving out into Space en masse) One Race... One Purpose
Eventual Population stabilization
Able to better focus on Major Issues (Plastics in ocean, clean energy.)
Base World Government on UN Charter and US Constitution
No More Borders (Wasted Resources and a better life for many.)
One Government (May not represent all but would be centrally located)
Probably would take a generation or more to become accepted form of governance
Too much Central Power (Would need to be limited).
Nihilistic and Anti Freedom factions may gain control
Fear of Totalitarian Government
Ethnic Elements
Communist Elements
Theocratic Elements (Shari'a Law)
Temporary Population Imbalance
Attempt to base World Governance on UN Charter
Open Borders (Criminals and other unwanted people)
Solution List
A Ten Year moratorium on immigration (Infrastructure building countries would be given access to where resources are (Congo, Russia, etc.) in order to build infrastructure). Purpose will be to lessen strain of potential massive population shifts.
A House of Representatives (For Drafting Laws. Population to be determined by world population. Term Limit 5 Two Year Terms
A Senate for passing Laws into Law (membership: 2 people from each former Nation State Term Limit 2 five year terms)
President Elected every 5 years Term limit: One 5 Year Term
At this current time (2020) the world is composed of 195 squabbling Nation States plus a few exclave territories. As a result, there are 195 military contingents, nearly 195 different currencies, 195 artificial borders and so on. Nation Statism and Empire Building have been around as long as humankind has had the capacity to look beyond a solitary dwelling but despite those things being a driving societal force, they are also a liability in terms of wasted and inefficient usage of resources. Why haven't we considered humankind to be one race and act accordingly?
Cultural Identity
Humans are social animals and while they will forgo or subsume bad behavior in exchange for belonging to a culture or society, they are as equally xenophobic towards outsiders or those not of their culture. It is easier to say Russian or Eritrean or Malaysian than a citizen of Earth. This has been reinforced by millennia of nation states or empires ruling the masses and there would have to be a driving impetus for this to ever change. (Space Exploration comes to mind)
Resources (Haves and Have Nots)
The earth is abundant regarding natural resources but those resources are unevenly distributed. Places with a lot of resources may not have the capacity to use them while other places may have the infrastructure in place to process resources but not have them directly available. Resource mismanagement and hoarding can be traced back to degradent aspects of human nature. Resources are squandered to fuel war and other violence or allow the very few to live off of the backs of the many.(Russian Oligarchs, various dictators of mostly the past) Imagine what western infrastructure building could do for Africa or north/north eastern Asia.
Governance and Ideology
Most nation states of the world these days run on a form of Democracy (Parliamentary Democracy or Proportional Representation). While the USA is a Constitutional Republic, China, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Cuba and Venezuela are Communist. Russia is controlled by Oligarchs and oppressive government while some other nation states are dictatorships and others are theocracies (Shari'a Law controlled). While the United Nations Charter addresses human rights, it is deficient in protecting the people from those representing them. On the other hand, the US Constitution places restraints upon the government and acknowledges that the electorate is the power of the land versus the government. (their other main tenets are Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness). No form of governance is perfect but enumerated rights are better than implied rights and only enough government to govern is the best form of governance. Secular governance is also superior to Theocratic Law. Theocracies hold one religion over all others and that has led to problems in the past.
So what is stopping the formation of a One World Government?
Until some problems are addressed, a OWG would never work. These are the perceived roadblocks to a single government for the world.
Population Shift and Infrastructure
Without nation state borders, there would be a tendency for people in the poorer and lesser developed areas of the world to move to the more developed areas of the world. In at least one respect, this could cause problems (See Israel/Palestine later in article). In order to lessen the impact of the aforementioned, there would have to be an immigration moratorium of perhaps ten years. During this time, the areas of the world possessing infrastructure building capacity would be allowed to go where the resources are to build infrastructure (potable water, health care, etc.). Improving such things might lessen a population shift. (Furthermore, moving out into space may decrease the shift even more.)
Conspiracy Theories
Ever since one person or a group of people has chosen to act furtively or has more wealth than everyone else, conspiracy theory has been in existence. I have heard most every theory that is out there and I still am not convinced of the full validity of ANY such diatribe. If it isn't the evil Jewish bankers controlling the world from behind the scenes (Hitler Inspired Agitprop), it is the Bilderbergers or the Rothschilds or some other member of the uber rich plotting the enslavement of humankind. Lately it has been Global Warming zealots, Monsanto's plan to suborn the world with its GMO's and how Bill Gates wants to exterminate a large percentage of humankind. Much of this theory involves the creation of a One World Government for only the benefit of the few when it is the many who would benefit from it in multiple ways.
Conspiracy Theory takes a grain of truth and then covers it with a coating of lies that resists falsification and often involves circular reasoning. It also ignores the concept of Occam's Razor where the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. Conspiracy Theory will never die out but it falls to those who are Critical Thinkers to accept it for what it is (a roadblock to humankind), and move along.
Nation State Issues
Israel fought a war to become a Nation State and fought three more wars to have the right to exist. About 8 million Jews are surrounded by ca. 500 Million Muslims and with the absence of borders, what would stop Muslims flooding into where Israel was and blotting them out of existence? This is one situation why there would have to be an immigration moratorium.
It almost begs a certain question... Why haven't the countries around and near Israel built up their infrastructure like Israel has? Israel EXPORTS finished goods and virtual products while Saudi Arabia and the UAE and Kuwait and Iraq and Iran and Syria and Jordan and Egypt export what? Oil? Terrorist activity? Saudi Arabia gets over 300 billion dollars a year in oil revenue; where is all of the money going? Past development of their oil fields, Saudi Arabia hasn't built much else. Saudi Arabia and Egypt and Morocco and Pakistan all have appalling rates of illiteracy. 150 million people in those places can't read! Infrastructure needs to be built in those places to put them on par with the West. There is also a problem regarding Shari'a Law in some Muslim dominated countries (See Shari'a Law section).
India has a minority Muslim population but 10 percent of a billion people is 100 million. Pakistan has 200 million people and is essentially 100 % Muslim. Both nations recently joined the nuclear club (by setting off nuclear devices) but as far as Flashpoint Theory goes (A method of predicting potential WW III start points), they are at a ranking of High and have been since they tested nukes. Zero Line Doctrine brings back thoughts about Europe in the 19th Century where war was considered a valid geopolitical response. With ZLD, that is also the case but tactical nuclear weapons are part of both country's arsenals and their use would be sanctioned.
The main reason India and Pakistan are rated High Flashpoint is due to potable water needs. The Indus and Ganges River tributaries flow through India before making it to Pakistan and Pakistan has accused India of damming and otherwise redirecting water for its own use in excess to what it is entitled to have. If viable desalination can be achieved, the issue of potable water can be settled.
In the last 400+ years, Russia has only been a sort of Democracy for 13 of them. The Romanovs were thrown down to be replaced by a draconian Communist form of government. There was the rise of Democracy there from 1991 to 2004 but that experiment has long been dead. The Duma is a Rubber Stamp for Russia's leader and organized crime now has Duma representation.
When the USSR collapsed, the collapse didn't go far enough. Many of the Communist Old Guard became the Oligarchs under the new governance. With the rise of Vladimir Putin, the Oligarchs were allowed to keep what they stole as long as they didn't interfere in elections. (The Yukos Oil oligarch ignored this condition and was stripped of his wealth and put in prison).
Russia might have more resources than everyone else but their infrastructure is decrepit and failing. People from the USA and Western Europe could help Russia build infrastructure and clean up some of the ecological messes there. (If water desalination plants are built in Russia, the Aral Sea might be restored.. and that is only one example.) Russia would have to meet at least half way. Under a OWG, the resources of Russia would be put to best use in the world after Russia was provided for. The current government in Russia would have to go.
With 1.4 billion people, China is the largest country in the world by population and 3rd or 4th by land area. there are simply too many Chinese to be ruled over in any other way than Empire or Military Force. China was an Empire up until 1911, a Quasi Republic up to 1948 and a Military dominated Communist Regime since 1949. China also has a lot of resources (but a lot of people too) and their current governance would also have to go. China is very good at business in almost every aspect but their pollution would need to be reduced. The immigration moratorium would prevent China from flooding Tibet with people.
Shari'a Law (Omniciding and Terror fomenting)
An Islamic Republic is no more a Republic than the DPRK or The People's Republic of China. Shari'a Law is based on the words of the Holy Qur'an. The Qur'an is the tome of the religion called Islam. Therefore, an Islamic Republic is a Theocracy (Government with/from God)
Since a Theocracy respects one religion over all others, it goes contrary to the concept of Liberty and Freedom. This not to mean that Islam should be banned... quite the contrary. It does mean that Shari'a Law has no place in a One World Government. Theocracy was tried in Europe and for centuries, Rome and The Pope controlled the known world. When the lies and perfidy of Rome were revealed, Deism and Agnosticism and even Atheism began to spread. Religion is NOT banned in the west but it has no place under secular governance.
One of the biggest issues regarding a One World Government is will the countries under Shari'a Law agree to secular law having more power?
The other hindrance the above countries represent is the omniciding (suicide bombers) that pride themselves on destroying everything around them... including innocent civilians. The Nation State governments and the UN can play footsie all that they want but Saudi Arabia, The UAE and Iran sponsor most of the terrorism in the world. Any who believe the Al-Taqiyyah (Dissimilation) coming from those places needs to open their eyes. The Qur'an considers Omniciding to be permissible to demonstrate the faith someone has towards Islam but under secular law, they are committing murder. Omniciding accomplishes nothing; not even a large kill count is enough to shock anyone anymore. If the money is taken out of the terror sponsoring equation, terrorism will be reduced and with a reduction in terrorist acts, it will be easier to bring the ones responsible to justice.
Other Parts of the World
Brazil and Indonesia might become barriers but Indonesia is under at least partial Shari'a Law while Brazil has been relatively stable for the lasr 3 decades. Brazil already has some infrastructure built (They launched a satellite) but more could be used.If the major world players get on board, it shouldn't be hard to convince Africa and South America and Australia to sign on.
The road to a OWG would not be easy but many things worth having are not so easily obtained. Comments are welcome.
Timothy Linnomme
1 年From Prof.Dr.MURUGAVEL.Rathinam,PhD(Hongkong PolyU).world one govt.Files attached.Also, send to management,students,all unions, united nations org secretary general, chief / cabinet secretary of india-Mr.Rajiv Gauba, his wife Mrs.Pammi Gauba ( ) , G7 countries, to others, to approve 'world one govt' policy', Files (click/copy,paste link in chrome)world one govt, cybercrime, Election party files- 1.Form 'World one government' now(very urgent as 100% people support this),2.very urgent-CYBERCRIME attack(Problem for all) on me by persons registered our land illegally,on many in world for land,other purposes using whatsapp groups,using stolen china defense secret project. They place sensor on others brain to get all you think, get video of your place/others as you go, to their cellphone.See attached cyber-crime file.Switch off whatsapp server/cancel fake sale deed,block MMID,IP,OS IMMEDIATELY.VERY URGENT to stop this cybercrime. You/family members will be appointed as top officials ( ?m1, m2, ….Refer Attached file 'world one gov', cov let world…, schedule for election..) for supporting to
1 年1. INTERNATIONAL CYBER CRIME SIGNAL ATTACK.Problem for all. See cyber crime file.SWITCH OFF whatsapp SERVER,block MMID,IP,OS IMMEDIATELY.VERY URGENT, 2. WORLD ONE GOVERNMENT-,[email protected],8883451491,India ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,???????????????????????????????????? Prof.Dr.R.Murugavel,PhD(HongkongPolyU).Files-World one?govt, cybercrime,land,party- ???,[email protected],8883451491,India