One Word...
One Word…
For years now, instead of setting New Year’s resolutions, I’ve chosen One Word to guide me through the year. I first learned about this concept from Jon Gordon’s book, One Word, and it’s become a powerful annual practice for me and my team.
Here’s how it works: The idea is simple but impactful. You take some time for soul-searching, ask God for guidance, and discover the word meant to shape your year. It’s a word that captures what you need most or what you want to grow into. When you find it, you’ll know. It feels right, almost like the word finds you. I love that.
Here’s Jon Gordon’s process in three simple steps:
1. Prepare Your Heart: Look In
Get quiet. Step away from life’s distractions and ask yourself these three questions:
2. Discover Your Word: Look Up
Ask God, “What do You want to do in me and through me?”
3. Live Your Word: Look Out
Once you discover the word that is meant for you. It’s time to Live it Out.
Last weekend I was fortunate to attend a retreat with Deepak Chopra on Living an Awakened Life. One of the ideas he shared was the importance of intention and attention. It’s simple: what we focus on expands. Like a magnifying glass, intention focuses our energy and attention amplifies its power. Choosing One Word each year has been a way for me to create intention and give that intention my full attention.
My word for 2024 was Listen. I chose it to focus on truly listening—to God, to my intuition, to my soul. Mission accomplished.
As we welcome the New Year, I’ll be taking time, as I do each year, to discover my word—a word that will help me cultivate my intention for the coming year. A word to help me grow and expand and awaken.
And I wonder if you will do the same? And if so, what will your word be?