Nancy Friedman Speaker. I ZOOM TOO Vistage IFA Speaker
Nancy Friedman Founder, Chairman, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Trng St Louis, Mo. ZOOM Conferences 314-276-1012, IT'S FUN.
Yes. - No. - Ok. - Monday - Yea. (You get the picture).
When we answer anyone, let alone a customer, client, friend, family member,coworker, one-word answers are perceived as cold and rude. It's that simple.
If you're reading this I am going assume you went to 3rd grade and I believe that's just about where we learn "3 words make a sentence". Answering with only one word probably won't get you a RED X or cancel an order - but it makes people feel cheated.
I know, I know, "well, Nancy, everyone does it". Well, as my Dad used to say when I told him: "everyone does it (whatever "it" was) His standard answer to me was "well, Nancy, if everyone was going to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge would you?"
Let everyone else use one-word answers; but to all who care - start saying, “Yes, I will”. Or “Your order will arrive Monday” . Or “Ok,Yes, that's something we can do”.
Watch our ONE MINUTE video on One Word answers and see if this all doesn't make good sense to you.
Thank you! (that's 2 words)
Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor
Nancy Friedman, customer service keynote speaker, is president of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training and a featured speaker at franchise, association, and corporate meetings around the world. A popular TV guest, she appeared on Oprah, The Today Show, CNN, FOX News, Good Morning America and CBS This Morning, as well as hundreds of other radio, television and print outlets around the world, including the Wall Street Journal, and USA Today. The author of 9 books on her chosen topics, Nancy helps corporate America improve their communications with their customers & co-workers. You can see her 9 books here. For more information, log on to Nancy Friedman's website or call (314) 291-1012. Oh yeah you can email her at [email protected]. Nancy is a recent recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Hall of Fame Award - St. Louis Small Business Monthly
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