One Word for 2020
Naomi Stohlmann, M.A., M.Ed., PCC
Innovating strategies that guide leaders, teams, and organizations to overcome obstacles, face uncertainty, and achieve their goals.
Have you ever listened to a familiar song and in that very moment a phrase in the lyrics speaks specifically to you? This is what I experienced at church on Christmas Eve listening to a duet of Amy Grant’s song, “Breath of Heaven.”
Breath of heaven
Hold me together
Be forever near me
Breath of heaven
This song is also referred to as “Mary’s Song.” Of course, I’m not Mary, nor can I imagine what it was like for her to be pregnant and give birth to Jesus, the Son of God, our Savior. Mary was an amazing faith-filled servant of God that surrendered to God’s will for what was to be (Luke 1:38 NIV). This song speaks to Mary seeking God’s presence, strength, and mercy for every step that she would undertake as the mother of Jesus. Because of Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection, her life was forever changed and so was yours and mine! Eternal life awaits all who trust in His redeeming love.
My focus for 2020 is to seek God’s presence, strength, and mercy for the year ahead. His breath is found in reading His Word (2 Timothy 3:16), spending quiet time in prayer and reflection, and in community with fellow believers. Yet, He is with us all the time because His gift of the Holy Spirit lives inside us (John 20:21-22). God gave us life with His breath and when we breathe, let us be reminded of God’s presence in every moment and in all circumstances.
Feeling stressed? Pause and take a life-giving breath from God to reduce your anxiety and worry.
Feeling great? Pause and take a life-giving breath from God praising His goodness and blessings!
Will you seek His guidance for the road ahead (Psalm 119:105)? If so, you will reflect Him, the greater light, in your personal and professional growth in leadership and service for His purposes and in the lives of others!
Happy New Year!