One Whole Object
What Illumination Reveals
If two spans of steel are welded together, that is one span of steel. If any number of photon waves merge, that is one photon wave. If more than one distinct ultimately simultaneous object, say enself, emptiness, now, etc., exist, they are in fact one holon object, which means whole objects inside one whole meta-object, because they each occupy exactly the total set of Euclidean empty zero points. The two spans making one span of steel means the previous two spans are made to occupy exactly the same limited set of Euclidean empty zero points. Simultaneous objects exist inside each other, literally closer than touching. It would not be incoherent to describe that combined span of steel or merged photon wave as having constituent parts, but it would be more correct to understand that a holon of wholes within wholes is not the normal meaning of constituent parts.
Parts are incidental, not fundamental to holon unities of wholeness. To describe a holon unity of wholeness with a primary reference to constituent parts clouds the meaning, it does not clarify our understanding of wholeness. For example, it is possible to cut the combined span of steel into smaller spans of steel, but that does not restore the previous separated spans of steel, it only creates new smaller spans of steel, each of which is a whole span of steel. It is possible to cut a stream of visible light radiation (photon wave) into multiple streams, but that does not recover the previously distinct photons that were originally merged, it simply separates a wave into some number of waves. An analogy is, if you cut an exposed holographic plate into pieces, and shine a laser light through one of the pieces, the projected image will contain virtually 100% of the information that is in the original holographic plate, but the image will be dimmer.
Two simultaneous logically contradictory state conditions, say electron as both particle and wave, in coherence inside near-existence domain are one whole meta-object, a superposition. The superposition can be resolved in actual existence to one of the state conditions or the other, but not both in the same place at the same time. The superposition is destroyed, by decoherence, only in actual existence domain caused by any generic [interaction/relation/observation] with any other object inside actual existence domain. However, the superposition remains conserved meta-information first information inside near-existence domain. Resolution by decoherence does not literally destroy the superposition, that is what conservation means. All superpositions wait patiently inside near-existence domain for the next instance of decoherence to occur inside actual existence domain.
With the combined span of steel, the merged photon wave, and any superposition, you cannot reverse time, you cannot return to the state condition in which you had two spans of steel. You can only cut the combined span of steel to make two spans of steel for the very first time. You can only cut the photon wave to make two photon waves for the very first time. You cannot put the particle and the wave back into a superposition, you can only generate a new superposition for the very first time.
That is the mystery of now. Now is sequential, there is no next now and no previous now. There is no before now and no after now. There is exactly, only and always one now, perpetually reconfigured, fresh for the very first time. Obviously then, now is not time, because time is exactly, only and always sequential, with one time unit, say one second, following the previous time unit in a one-way arrow of time.
Because now is perpetually reconfigured, without sequence, the nature of now makes time reversal impossible. It is impossible to have a do-over in that which is perpetually reconfigured. Even if you reverse some physical process, say cut a steel span, or cut a photon wave or by decoherence resolve a superposition, you cannot recover the state condition that existed before those actions. Even if no observer could tell the difference between the first and the second instance of the thing observed, that is not going back to the first, that is exactly, only and always the second. Re-welding the steel spans is not a repeat of the first welding, re-merging the photon waves, is not a repeat of the first merging, and regenerating a superposition is not a recovery of any previous superposition, rather it is accessing the conserved superposition holon unity in near-existence a second time. Because time does not stop and cannot be reversed, all you do is repeat an action, but you do not repeat the specific outcome of that action. What is done is done permanently, always without exception. That is certainty.
In living your physical life, it is impossible not to take the next step. It is impossible to know the next step before you take it, until you have already taken it, but then it is past, not present in time. That is the living mystery of now and life. The mystery of now and life is to be lived, not a problem to be solved.
Illumination is when your ego consciousness goes so bright that you have the sentient feeling experience these words are merely an abstraction description of.
Holy-smokes Batman!
I was lost but now I see! Now I grok!