One week to the next Crowdfunding London meetup
Rob Hallifax
Product Management; New Product Development & Crowdfunding Advisor. Co-founder at Windfall Energy. Double Guinness World Record holder.
What does design mean for a crowdfunding campaign?
Design is way more than just making a product look pretty at the end of a project. For example, are you thinking ahead in case an extra millimeter on the packaging doubles your shipping costs?
This is what we're going to be talking about at the Crowdfunding London meetup next Wednesday.
To kick things off, we have two excellent speakers on the subject:
Phil Thomas is a designer at who are renowned for their beautiful and delightful packaging. Phil will talk about how packaging can help build your brand and share some of his practical experience on the subject.
Doug Morton is a product design engineer who works on products for award-winning London design consultancy Therefore. He has also worked on crowdfunded products and is in a great position to talk about what design means for a crowdfunding campaign.
After that will be time to meet a fascinating bunch of people, mingle and chat.
Oh, and we have a beer sponsor for this one. For that I must thank the lovely people at Saxon Packaging.
Visit the CFL website for tickets:
See you there!