No one wants to hear the same old content anymore.
We are now in an age where there so much info out there, that you can now access whatever you want quicker than you can say the word GURU!!...
You get my drift right?...
Maybe people now want to hear some stories....
Maybe people want to see, hear and authentically feel you? (Don’t worry, I don’t mean like that) ??
What I’m talking about is someone genuinely getting to know who you are through the power of social media.
It’s great when used effectively isn’t it?... ????
Anyway, on to my point.
Ive come across a lot of people recently who have an idea of what it is that they want...
They have a slight idea of how to get there.
Yet there is still something holding them back from communicating that to the world?.... ??
How can you ever get what you want if you can’t speak it to the masses?...
That used to be me.
I didn’t allow myself to express my true self.
I prevented the world from seeing the full version of me, all because I was feeling lonely and misunderstood.
It was me that chose to put up with that though, and I wasted way too much time.
Why is it that we settle for confusion, anxiety and suppression when we are merely a few raw stories away from the world knowing who we are?...
I did the work to build the internal confidence that I needed to live on purpose...
I found a way to drop the fear of what other people would think.
I made a choice to actually love every part of me, my life and every bit of craziness that came with it.
And that’s when everything changed.
I am now on a mission to share more stories.
I am now on a mission to not only share more of ME.
But also inspire others to have the confidence in doing the same thing.
No one anymore wants to hear the same old content.
The world just wants to hear about You.