This One "Unpopular" Thinking That Helps Advisors Generate More Sales

In today’s edition... on a cold wet Monday morning, I am going to share a lesson that is going to be unpopular.

Not because it doesn’t make sense but it’s contrarian in nature (as with most things that are unpopular).

Most coaches, trainers or even agency leaders wouldn’t talk about it.

Frankly speaking, I am risking certain “popularity” in the market.

But if it serves you, I’m willing to make that trade-off.

Because once you truly understand this "lumberjack" principle...

You will feel a lot happier, have a higher level of optimism and clear your targets for the rest of the year.

But first, let me share a story about one of our clients, Joel.

Joel is in his sixth year in the business and previously...

He wasn’t used to integrating concept presentations in his appointments.

It revolves largely around building a bit of rapport fact-finding questions, needs & cashflow analysis... followed by the usual solution and recommendation.

While it did help him to close cases (pretty decent)... there were a few key problems:

  • The sales process seems more like a one - off transaction
  • Minimal “Educational Value” during the appointment (I.E. Client gained most of the value from the purchase, not from the advisor)
  • Challenge with building long-term relationships after they become clients

Interestingly, Joel did not intend for any of this to happen.

His intention is to truly help and provide value FIRST before the sale. He truly believe in building long-lasting relationships with his prospects and clients as it is way more enjoyable, providing a sense of fulfilment as well.

Above all, his heart is in the right place. From a place of serving.

Yet, he didn’t know any better.

When he tried to purely value add but when he did it, his closing ratio went down. Some prospects even took advantage of his impeccable service as well.

When he integrated our “$500k” concept presentation... everything changed.

His sales process was value-adding.

He started to close cases a lot easier with minimal objections.

His prospects - turned - client was happy that they now have an advisor they can trust on their financial planning journey.

Above all, he is more confident going for appointments because he knows what he says and asks is value-adding to the prospects.

... even prospects at the ROADSHOW said she learned a lot from him. (What are the chances?)

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Back to the "unpopular" lesson...

In the industry, we often blame and judge ourselves harshly when things don’t go well.

Perhaps we didn’t manage to close. Or maybe feel like everyday is a dread to work. Or procrastinate about the prospecting activities that they have to do.

Every day feels hard.

And when the sales production chart reflects at the end of the month...

... we feel even shittier.

Or maybe, you work your ass off for 16 hours every day but the results don’t show.

When most advisors go through this... the conclusion that they derive is:

“There’s something wrong with my mindset.”

They believe that they are lazy.

They believe it’s an internal problem.

... Especially when their peers were in a similar situation and they made it.

That others can but they can’t.

So they automatically assume that they problem is with their mindset.


Think about this.

Imagine a man who took on a job whose task is to chop down five trees every day for lumber.

When he completes it, he gets paid $800 every day.

If he only finishes four out of five, he gets paid nothing.

He’s not equipped with the right tools or specific training.

Just some vague instructions of “just get it done and keep chopping it down”.

Ends up, he has to do it barehanded.

How many trees do you think this fella is going to chop down?

Probably none.

At the beginning, he might be feeling optimistic. He tries hard. He tries harder again the next day. He told himself he couldn’t give up. And tries again.

When nothing happened, he felt frustrated and don’t believe he cannot chop those trees down with his bare hands.

Now, if you were to offer advice to this guy... what would you tell him?

To focus on his mindset?

To try even harder?

To find something to motivate himself further?

To find his “Why”?

To go spiritual and deploy “Law Of Attraction”?

... or would you just tell him to get a sharp axe?

Or even better, a chainsaw.

... and some training on how to use it and chop down the tree.

He can get the job done within 5 hours, get paid $800, and relax for the rest of the day, spending time with his loved ones.

Perhaps even reinvest some of the money and time into more effective ways of cutting down trees.

You see, the tree represents the number of sales appointments or commission-generating activities.

For every 5 trees we “chop” down, you will earn some money.

but when we are unable to close the appointments or “procrastinate” towards prospecting...

we tend to blame it on the “mindset”, or that they are “not good enough”.

But when in fact, all we are missing is a chainsaw.

(Or perhaps you were given some training on how to cut the trees down... but you were equipped with a penknife lol)

Regardless, it only makes sense for you to have a bigger axe or chainsaw rather than working on “mindset” or “purpose”.

Sometimes we take Think & Grow Rich a little too literally.

Yet I’d argue that if we have been equipped with the proper training AND a huge ass chainsaw...

We increase the probability of chopping down the trees and earning our money.

... with a large degree of certainty & predictability.

... and that would reinforce the behavior and “motivate” you to repeat the action.

In this case, the chainsaw & training propels us to want to do more.

The actions, reinforced by the results create a stronger “mindset” and belief that we can do it.

Look, I am not saying mindset isn’t important...

It is in some cases.

But if we cannot diagnose the RIGHT problem that’s holding us back from our goals, we will be applying the wrong solution AND then wonder why we are not making progress...

And MOST advisors always diagnose themselves with a “mindset” issue.


Because it’s the easiest thing to do.

... and I’ll be honest.

It PAINS me to see advisors beating themselves up, that they are not good enough, or that they are lousy...

... when in fact It’s clear as day that they are just not given the right tools, the exact training and instructions to do it.

And after speaking 1on1 with more than a 1000 advisors...

Here’s another thing I realised too.

Whether someone is new, old, a top producer (or not).. everybody wants to be successful.

Nobody comes into this industry wanting to fail.

I mean, who comes into this industry intending to fail?

(FYI: Not getting the results or not doing something... is NOT the same as wanting to fail)

So it logically reasons that on a fundamental level, our mindset and intentions was “right” to begin with.

It just so happens that over time when we face objections, rejections, and defeat over and over again... without any proper solution or guidance...

We begin to feel that it’s our fault.

But I truly believe it isn’t.

You lack an axe. A sharpened one.

Just like Joel over here, who has the right intentions and has a great heart to serve....

He lacks a proper process & a great concept presentation to add value to his prospects, close better and build a long-lasting relationship.

What about you?

Do you believe that you are here to fail?

If the answer is no, then do you have the proper skillsets, training & guidance to get you to where you want to be?

Are you chopping down trees bare handed?

Because all you need for the success you desire on the other side...

It could be just one axe away.

Your Biggest Believer,

Ben “The-Lumber-Jack“ Ong

P.S. On 30th August, 3pm to 430pm, I will be releasing the exact $500k Concept Presentation that earned me half a million in two years as an advisor. I intend to give you the AXE, sharpened > 1000 times. And the training that comes along with it. I’d love to gift this to you to help elevate your advisory business by providing value to your customers AND closing better. You can sign up here for your slot.


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