ONE?: The Unified Gospel of Jesus, Divine Version [Second Edition] Published
Gregg Zegarelli Esq.
Managing Shareholder at Technology & Entrepreneurial Ventures Law Group, PC
Following is a reprint of the Publisher's Introductory Note to the Second Edition. Available now on Amazon.
Publisher’s Note to the Second Edition
With great joy, and with the grace of the Spirit, this “Second Edition” has come into existence.?The enthusiasm, support and kind words of our readership provides us with encouragement to continue the ONE Project.
The limited edition Original Printing, which is now out of print, has not been changed in any fundamental way, but the errors and issues of typography that naturally occur in a work of this magnitude have been corrected and revised in this edition.?There are also clarifications that have been published on our website since the release of the Original Printing.?We are deeply thankful for those persons of deepened faith who reviewed the text of the Original Printing, and, through our “Help Us Edit” program, assisted us with improving this work.?The World is forever in their debt.
This Second Edition has been improved with the inclusion of Gospel (Reverse Unification) Index and Word Index.?Time commitments did not allow for these indices to be including in the First (Original) Edition.?The Gospel Index allows for finding ONE text from any source Gospel as the starting point.?The Word Index allows for finding ONE text from a particular word as the starting point.?The three indices—Unification Index, Gospel Index and Word Index—complete the research triad: finding the source Gospels references from ONE, finding the ONE references from the source Gospel, and finding the ONE references from a word, respectively.
The authoritative indices provide even greater power to the preacher and student for referencing through the text.?As our readers have stated so often, it is the combination of easily readable text, in conjunction with the authoritative indices, that make ONE a unique, important and timeless work.
We pray that you will hold ONE to be a cherished addition to your library, we pray that you find it to be a work of goodness that brings you the joy of love through reason and understanding, and we hope that you will recommend ONE to those you love.
OUG Press, 2017
It is futile, of course, to reform something perfect with the goal of making it better.?
But, a determination of perfection depends upon the measure of something's intended purpose.?For, certainly, something is not necessarily perfect for every purpose.
This book is not intended to be a reformation of the Gospels, which speak for themselves and, being self-defining, are certainly perfect.?This work has a different purpose and a different measure.
This is the verbatim unified testament of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John: the reconciliation of the good news that transcends their individual versions of the truth.?There is power in unification.
It is the purpose of this work to express a more common denominator for the study of Jesus and his teachings.?Although some may find this work suitable for their entire study of Jesus’ testimony of the Good News, this work is intended to enrich the direct study of the Gospels.?There is now one unified testimony, where there are otherwise four testimonies that sometimes agree, sometimes omit and sometimes conflict.?
For example, only Luke contains the well-known story of the Good Samaritan.?Matthew, Mark and Luke, but not John, contain the House Divided parable.?Only John has the story of Jesus washing the Disciples' feet and the metaphorical command to do the same to one's neighbor.?Regarding Jesus’ birth, only Matthew has the story of the “wise men,” and only Luke has the story of the shepherds; although often combined in recountings, these are distinct stories with distinct circumstances.
By unifying the Gospels, the message becomes a seamless study of the life and teachings of Jesus.?The yoke here is easy and burden light.?Painstakingly researched, and, yet, presented with ease and authority.
There is only one Gospel of Jesus, although there are four separate testimonies in the separate Gospels.?This work unifies the four testimonies and thereby clarifies the message for greater impact.
For those of us who attempt to conduct a deepened study of the Gospels, there can be no replacement but to the study of the individual Gospels.?But, in truth, such a deepened study of the Gospels is uncommon.?And, moreover, in truth, such a deepened study of the Gospels is not—nor should it be—necessary.?It would be ironic if such a commitment were necessary, since it would necessarily turn many away and would defeat its own purpose.
?To know the truth, we must have knowledge.?What we know depends upon what we learn.?And, what we learn is a direct result of the manner and method of how the lesson is conveyed.?
It seems unnecessary to require the memorization of distinctions between or among the separate Gospels, with a comparing and contrasting.?There is a dilution that seems to occur from the gospel of Jesus—as distinguished from the multiple reflective testaments: in four separate Gospels the complete story is never completely told at one time, but in bits and pieces.
It seems appropriate, and a good thing, that the single gospel of Jesus be stated in a consistent and unified manner.
This author prays that the consolidation of the respective texts will enrich the Gospels for the casual reader as well as the scholar.?
For the casual reader, the simplicity of reading one work, as one might read a novel, eases the message and focuses the impact of the Good News.?
For the scholar, teacher and preacher, because the work is authoritatively reconciled in the Unification Index and Gospel Index, it permits an accurate unified source reference to the parables.?And, it also clarifies certain overlooked nuances of the text.?
For example, the obligation to forgive unendingly "seventy-seven" times in one day is contained only in two of the four Gospels: Matthew and Luke.?But, Luke has the condition that, for each time, the wrong-doer must seek forgiveness.?Therefore, assuming the truth of both testaments, they must be reconciled that unending forgiveness is commanded, but only if the wrong-doer repents each time as a precondition.?Such nuances are often overlooked, but are clarified by this work, since the text is now consolidated and reconciled.
Subtleties in the lessons become more pronounced.
The latest computer technologies and resources never before available were utilized to document each step of the process.?Every effort has been made to document and cross-index the text unification process so that this work is both authoritative and accurate.?Each passage is cited back to its verbatim text in the respective source Gospels.?For ease of casual reading, the text of the work is not burdened, and the Unification Index is contained at the end of the work.
There are two versions of this work, separately published: the Divine version and the Universal version.?The reason for this may not be clear to some Christians, but it should be fundamentally clear to other Christians and most non-Christians.
The Divine version is for devout Christians.?The Divine version contains the whole unified verbatim text of the unified original Gospels.?Of course, the full text necessarily includes the divine miracles that Christians believe on faith.?For example, the immaculate conception of Jesus by the Virgin Mary, the raising of Lazarus from the dead, Jesus walking on water, and Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.?
Non-Christians, of course, do not share these beliefs.?And, in fact, some non-Christians may find that it violates of their own beliefs to study any work that includes the events that plainly rest on Christian faith.?And, so, with sensitivity to the beliefs of others—of which I shall not judge—the Universal version omits those events to permit the study of Jesus without personal offense.
The Universal version—unlike the Divine version—is for those who wish to enjoy the teachings of Jesus but do not necessarily share belief in the divinity of Jesus, or anyone who merely desires to conduct a more empirical study of Jesus.?
The Universal version is a subtext of the full work: it removes certain divine miracles that necessarily require what is known as a Christian faith.?Where it does so, the removal is well-documented for scholars.?However, certain healings of Jesus remain in the text only because this author finds that healings are events of accelerated timing and degree, rather than events of distinct supernatural (divine) transformation.?Without debating whether healings are miracles, for the Universal version, some subjective editorial judgment was used with sensitivity to the fact that diverse denominations of belief often accept the supernatural power to heal without necessarily assenting to a particular divinity as the cause.
The essence of the Universal version is to find a common denominator for the study of Jesus, who is admitted by most to be one of greatest persons who has ever lived: who will dispute his teaching in the power of love??There is a perfect and universal wisdom and goodness in the teachings of Jesus that remain true whether or not the student believes him to be specially divine.?
Certainly, the wisdom of Jesus should be shared and enjoyed by all without any judgment, as his yoke is easy, and his burden light.
There are many paths to the same destination.
This work is an invitation to all: a simple opportunity to learn from a teacher of universal truth.?The purpose of this work is to simplify, to clarify and to unify.?Grace with power.?One.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Gregg Zegarelli, J.D.
*?Gregg Zegarelli, Esq., earned both his Bachelor of Arts Degree and his Juris Doctorate from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His dual major areas of study were History from the College of Liberal Arts and Accounting from the Business School (qualified to sit for the CPA examination), with dual minors in Philosophy and Political Science. He has enjoyed Adjunct Professorships in the Duquesne University Graduate Leadership Master Degree Program (The Leader as Entrepreneur; Developing Leadership Character Through Adversity) and the University of Pittsburgh Law School (The Anatomy of a Deal). He is admitted to various courts throughout the United States of America.
Gregg Zegarelli, Esq.,?is Managing Shareholder of?Technology & Entrepreneurial Ventures Law Group, PC.?Gregg is nationally rated as "superb" and has more than 35 years of experience working with entrepreneurs and companies of all sizes, including startups,?INC. 500, and publicly traded companies.?He is author of?One: The Unified Gospel of Jesus,?and?The Business of Aesop? article series, and co-author with his father,?Arnold Zegarelli, of?The Essential Aesop: For Business, Managers, Writers and Professional Speakers.?Gregg is a frequent lecturer, speaker and faculty for a variety of educational and other institutions.?
? 2017 Gregg Zegarelli, Esq.?Gregg can be contacted through?LinkedIn.?Read more articles here.
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Wonderful work Gregg!
Helping our clients make important financial planning and asset management decisions, before and during retirement. President at Henry Wealth Management
7 年Gregg your first edition was great! Compiling all four Gospels as if you're reading one account! Good luck with the second