A one two punch. Give F 16 jets to Ukraine and remove Fox News broadcasting license, as to allow Ukraine to win and shut down Putin propaganda
This is not a gimmie
“We’re modulating what we’re giving Ukraine,” said Wesley Clark, a retired four-star general and NATO supreme allied commander. “We’re bleeding out the Ukrainians. People are dying as a result.”
“If we want to end the war with a negotiated peace, we have to figure out the battlefield situation that will lead to a successful negotiation,” Clark added. “That probably requires going after Crimea in a serious way to convince Putin that he can’t win.”
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I agree, but the second tier is to deal with Fox news as a purveyor of propaganda
A trove of?newly-released text messages and emails?have laid bare how the right-wing media giant operated with little regard for fact in the weeks and months following the 2020 presidential election. The correspondence reveals that the network's senior-most executives and highest-profile hosts chose not to disclose what they believed to be the truth of the election out of fear that that the facts would alienate Fox News' audience and throw the highly profitable business into ruin.
The messages were contained in a stunning legal filing made public on Thursday as part of Dominion Voting Systems' $1.6 billion?lawsuit against Fox News, showing the network's executives and talk hosts privately trashing lies pushed by former President Donald Trump's camp and his supporters asserting the 2020 election was rigged.
But, despite privately acknowledging the realiity of the situation, the network allowed the lies to take hold on its air, in large part because executives and hosts were terrified that telling its sizable audience the truth would prompt them to tune out.
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If Fox does this as to the 2020 election, for whatever the reasons you can be certain as the sun rises, that if Trump gets a lock on the GOP 2024 nomination for POTUS that Fox, to satisfy HIM and his base will turn out 24-7 propaganda trashing Ukraine and boosting Putin, for much the same reason
If one wants to end this, one has to go over ALL the basics.
A. First get F 16 fighters to Ukraine. Ignore howling from the DUMA. Just do it
B. Take away Fox News as having a journalism- broadcasting license.
Yes B will lead to Murdoch going to the US Supreme court, but in the end it will buy enough time so Ukraine will put pressure on Crimea and thereby end this horrible war
C. Three , THANK YOU DENIS Zelenko, for making this point :
The Americans who complain that the defense of Ukraine is financed by their taxes do not see that in return they receive military orders from states like Poland:
? HIMARS: $10bn
? Albrams tanks: $6bn
? F-35 jet fighters: $4.5bn
? Patriot launchers: $4bn
? Apache attack helicopters: $13bn
The total: $38bn
Forget about your taxes guys
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Analysis: Fox News has been exposed as a dishonest organization terrified of its own audience
By Oliver Darcy, CNN Business
Updated 8:53 PM EST, Fri February 17, 2023
New York(CNN)Fox News has been exposed like never before.
A trove of?newly-released text messages and emails?have laid bare how the right-wing media giant operated with little regard for fact in the weeks and months following the 2020 presidential election. The correspondence reveals that the network's senior-most executives and highest-profile hosts chose not to disclose what they believed to be the truth of the election out of fear that that the facts would alienate Fox News' audience and throw the highly profitable business into ruin.
The messages were contained in a stunning legal filing made public on Thursday as part of Dominion Voting Systems' $1.6 billion?lawsuit against Fox News, showing the network's executives and talk hosts privately trashing lies pushed by former President Donald Trump's camp and his supporters asserting the 2020 election was rigged.
But, despite privately acknowledging the realiity of the situation, the network allowed the lies to take hold on its air, in large part because executives and hosts were terrified that telling its sizable audience the truth would prompt them to tune out.
After the election, an incensed Trump had attacked Fox News and encouraged his followers to switch to Newsmax, a smaller right-wing talk channel that was saturating its airwaves with?election denialism.
Trump was enraged that Fox News was the first network to call the critical swing state of Arizona for now-president Joe Biden. And he couldn't stand that the network, rightfully, declared Biden as the winner of the presidential contest.
In the days and weeks after the presidential contest had been called, Fox News' audience listened to Trump and rebelled against the channel. Fox News shed a chunk of its audience while Newsmax gained significant viewership.
Behind the scenes, Fox News executives and hosts were in panic. Jay Wallace, the Fox News president, described Newsmax's surge as "troubling" and said the network needed to be "on war footing."
Rupert Murdoch, the Fox Corporation chairman, emailed Suzanne Scott, the Fox News chief executive, telling her that Newsmax needed to be "watched." Murdoch said that he didn't "want to antagonize Trump further" and stressed to her, "everything at stake here."
The messages underscore that Fox News did not live up to the basic journalistic principle that news organizations are supposed to deliver the news to viewers, without fear or favor. Instead, the right-wing talk channel engineered its coverage to appeal to its audience which was actively being lied to by Trump and his campaign surrogates.
"Our viewers are good people and they believe [the election fraud claims]," Tucker Carlson acknowledged in one message to Laura Ingraham.
A week after the election had been called, Sean Hannity told Carlson and Ingraham, "In one week and one debate they destroyed a brand that took 25 years to build and the damage is incalculable."
"It's vandalism," Carlson responded.
Hannity then discussed the damage a competitor could really do to Fox News, describing it as a potentially "serious problem."
"That could happen," Carlson replied.
The hosts were so alarmed by Newsmax's rise, they were enraged when their colleague, White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich, tweeted a mere fact check of Trump's election lies.
"Please get her fired," Carlson told Hannity. "Seriously What the f**k? I'm actually shocked. It needs to stop immediately, like tonight. It's measurably hurting the company. The stock price is down. Not a joke."
Hannity said he had already spoken to Scott about the matter.?He then proceeded to criticize two of his other colleagues, Fox News host Neil Cavuto and then-Fox News anchor Chris Wallace, both of whom were critical of Trump.
"I'm 3 strikes," Hannity said. "Wallace s**t debate[.] Election night a disaster[.] Now this BS? Nope. Not gonna fly. Did I mention Cavuto?"
The fear that Fox News' audience would abandon it for good?also appeared to drive programming decisions. In the days following the election, Alex Pfeiffer, a Carlson producer, told the host, "Many viewers were upset tonight that we didn't cover election fraud .... It's all our viewers care about right now."
Carlson said the decision was a "mistake," adding, "I just hate this s**t."
Executives at Fox were so worried about their audience protesting the channel that Scott, the network chief executive, even made an overture to?MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell,?a prominent Fox News advertiser and election conspiracy theorist.
When Lindell appeared on Newsmax and criticized Fox News, executives at Fox News "exchanged worried emails about alienating him," the legal filing said. The filing added that Scott then sent him a handwritten note along with a gift.
In a statement Thursday night, Fox News argued that the court filing contained cherry-picked quotes lacking context.
"There will be a lot of noise and confusion generated by Dominion and their opportunistic private equity owners, but the core of this case remains about freedom of the press and freedom of speech, which are fundamental rights afforded by the Constitution and protected by New York Times v. Sullivan," the network said.
end of quote
Biden Should Give Ukraine What It Needs to Win
Feb. 18, 2023
Opinion Columnist
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Russian Air Force pilots are?scaredy-cats?who have been surprisingly absent over Ukraine. Russian ground forces are being mowed down as?cannon fodder, and one of the best known examples of Russian military discipline?involves?an officer using a sledgehammer to execute a fellow Russian.
But the Russian war effort does excel in some areas:
So a year after Vladimir Putin’s all-out invasion of Ukraine, it’s time for President Biden to reassess and give Ukraine what it needs to end this war and save Ukrainian and Russian lives alike.
“We are well past the point of trying to measure this a few systems at a time,” said James Stavridis, a retired four-star admiral and supreme allied commander at NATO. “Putin is all in, and we should be as well. That means fighter aircraft, ATACMS, high-end anti-ship cruise missiles — the kitchen sink.”
More on specific hardware in a moment. But many military experts agree that while Biden has generally done well in supporting Ukraine, we should be doing even more.
“We’re modulating what we’re giving Ukraine,” said Wesley Clark, a retired four-star general and NATO supreme allied commander. “We’re bleeding out the Ukrainians. People are dying as a result.”
“If we want to end the war with a negotiated peace, we have to figure out the battlefield situation that will lead to a successful negotiation,” Clark added. “That probably requires going after Crimea in a serious way to convince Putin that he can’t win.”
It is also important to send a message — to Xi Jinping as well as Putin — that invasions do not pay. Of all the geopolitical nightmares ahead, perhaps the most horrific is a war over Taiwan — and one way to reduce that risk may be to ensure that Putin lives a nightmare today.
So this is not just about Ukraine. Viktor Yushchenko, a former president of Ukraine who was mysteriously poisoned after he challenged Russian interests, told me that Ukraine is a hostage in the larger Russian challenge to the global order. “It is disappointing that the West has failed to grasp this and to define what victory really means. It is not just ensuring that Ukraine wins, but also guaranteeing future international security.”
To his great credit, Biden has strongly backed Ukraine, held together support of allies and provided training for Ukrainian forces and increasingly powerful weaponry. Over time, the United States has agreed to send?HIMARS?rocket launchers, Patriot missile systems and M1 Abrams tanks — although the Patriots and Abrams tanks have yet to arrive.
Biden has pursued gradualism because of legitimate concerns that if Putin is backed into a corner, he could lash out at NATO territory or use tactical nuclear weapons. “We believe it would be irresponsible if we weren’t thinking about escalation,” said a senior administration official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, and that’s true. But most analysts think it is?unlikely?that Putin would use tactical nuclear weapons, partly because they would achieve little on the battlefield and would antagonize China and India.
“Why would they do this in a fit of anger and get all the negative outcomes?” asked Ben Hodges, a retired lieutenant general and commander of Army forces in Europe. “I think we have just deterred ourselves.”
While the risk of escalation can’t be ruled out, it must be balanced against the risks of allowing this conflict to drag on as Ukrainians and Russians are killed daily. Putin will negotiate seriously when he sees no military path forward — and that may happen if his hold on Crimea becomes untenable.
“Right now, what’s decisive is Crimea,” Hodges added. With the right support and long-range precision weaponry, he believes, Ukraine could cut the?land?and?sea?bridges that connect Russia to Crimea, even liberate Crimea by the end of the summer.
That would present risks — but also could set the stage for negotiations and an end to the war.
Hodges recommends Biden provide Ukraine with ATACMS long-range missiles and powerful Gray Eagle drones while supporting the transfer of MiG-29 and F-16 fighter aircraft to Ukraine. I think Biden will get there eventually, but lives would most likely be saved if he got there this month rather than six months from now.
“The quickest way to end the killing is to help Ukraine win the war,” Hodges said.