One Twitter Habit to Lose If You Want Your Brand to Succeed

One Twitter Habit to Lose If You Want Your Brand to Succeed

Selling by any means necessary is the MO for many marketers and small business owners on social media. With over 0.5 billion people on X today, only a marketer who hates their job would choose to ignore this space.

But just because it's there doesn't mean you should run headlong and throw hail marys hoping to snag a sale. There's a method to the madness, and many marketers are missing that, hence this post.

This guide will talk about a pretty short-sighted move that many marketers pull on Twitter, much to the chagrin of Twitter users.

The Move

Twitter User A has just seen a juicy trend on Twitter.

They log in in anticipation of the tea. Guess what they have to scroll through? 20 ads unrelated to the tea that drew them in in the first place.

Yes. Ads of your shoes, your duvets, your CV writing service, mobile phone cases, and so on.

A classic example?

I know you mean well. You just want people to click, inquire and maybe even buy.

But put yourself in their shoes. Imagine the questions running through their minds as they wade through your stuff in search of what they're looking for in the first place.

  • What does your bedsheet have to do with elections?
  • What do your cashmere pillows have to do with their favorite celebrities breaking up (unless they used them when they were together)?

Such postings irk Twitter users. And an irked customer definitely isn't going to buy from you. Far from that, they'll also have a very low opinion of your products and brand.

You don't want to come out as the guy who hijacks TLs with their products. No one will take you seriously. Not when other brands are busting their behinds to give better content and engage their followers.

Far from irking the users, you also run the risk of losing your account. Here's what X terms hashtag abuse:

Using a trending or popular hashtag with an intent to subvert or manipulate a conversation or to drive traffic or attention to accounts, websites, products, services, or initiatives; and Posting with excessive, unrelated hashtags in a single Post or across multiple Posts.

The best way to get your Twitter account to work for you is by creating great content that your followers can engage with. That's why it's called Social Media, not Your Shop.

So, when you're out there, remember that other brands have spent years patiently curating their products and earning the trust of social media users.

You should learn from them and do the same. It may take a few years. But what's a few years when getting it right can guarantee conversions?


Johnpaul Simiyu的更多文章

