One Top Automotive Retail Prediction for 2020
In a world where it feels like every industry pundit has provided its 2020 predictions, I wanted to tell you directly from one who is in the dealerships every day — and a member of an Automotive Group's executive team responsible for running dealership operations day in and day out. I also speak to many owners, GM's, OEM employees and my fellow business coaches who call on dealerships with services, products, and solutions to processes. I asked them what trends they felt would come to fruition in 2020. How will dealers attract top talent?
The digitization of the sales process is the name of the game, and this can have a positive effect on both recruitment and retention. We at Jim Ellis Automotive Group offer "The Expressway" which is picking up more of our market share and how we expect our guests will do business with us today and in the future. I predict that digitization will help better define employee expectations, leading to happier customers, happier employees, and less turnover. We are already experiencing this as the time to onboard new employees has shrunk to just 2-3 days.
And what about retaining employees? At Jim Ellis Automotive Group, we have defined a career path for people entering the industry is the key to success. Also, the first few months of employment, we bring them back to the Jim Ellis University for a celebration and reinforcement of our culture and listen to their real-life experiences in order for us to offer additional coaching advice, along with addressing individual needs that dealership management and JEU training personnel can address to ensure the employee success with our company.
And who are the companies that dealerships will lose staff to? According to our Millennial Job Satisfaction Study, Amazon and the Apple Store make the top of that list with 94% of millennials saying that technology plays a critical role when choosing their ideal job. To retain employees, Jim Ellis Automotive Group has focused on reducing high pressured sales tactics, instituted a more salary-based compensation plan, and is offering flexible work schedules. This helps me be ahead of some and even with other companies in the Atlanta Metro Area when I speak at High Schools or attend career fairs trying to attracting new talent.
Of course, there are other factors -- We at Jim Ellis Automotive Group feel strongly that people flock to success and that dealerships need to position themselves as the place that the best flock to. We do this by offering "Best Practices" for each department and offering targeted training and then monitor how individuals are executing what was taught. This reinforces by being clear on what success means to the employee and sharing your dealership’s goals and achievements by recognizing and rewarding consistent winners with our entire family of dealers. Not only can this bring staff closer together, but it will nurture a culture of growth and positivity. It is an ongoing process but quite rewarding for our employees and our guests.
Make it a champion day!