One tip for Monday...
So, I asked a question last week and received several good answers. The question was "what would your number one business tip be". Today I thought I would share one of the answers that I received.
"If I could give one tip to anyone in sales, it would have to be to drink a lot of coffee, but never drink alone. Try and start every day with a coffee with a past client, a referral partner, or a prospect. I know that there are entire books written on the subject of networking, and there is a good reason for that. It is because the best way to grow your business is to talk to people.
Starbucks, a local coffee shop, even a park, having coffee is a low stress, fun and casual way to chat. Don't be sales guy without a clue.. this is just coffee and a chance to build / grow / maintain a relationship with someone. So market by coffee... it works."
He is right, there is a reason so many books are written about having lunch, going to networking events, attending happy hours and more. But a one on one coffee is a great way to meet and have a casual but personal conversation. And I bet at least half of you hit a coffee shop several times a week already, so why not make it part of your marketing campaign.
So a quick tip for today, but I am off to have a coffee.