One at a Time — The Only Way to Live Life
Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash

One at a Time — The Only Way to Live Life

Everything. one breath, one step, one bite, one second, one sentence, one email, one day, one page.

The only way to walk 10 miles is one tiny step at a time. Life is no different. It is a blessing to accept the fact you must do everything one step at a time. It is a curse to live as though that were not true.

You get to decide, blessing or curse, which will you make part of your life?

Somehow, we find ourselves caught up in a false reality where we believe we are not limited to taking one step at a time.

We look at a goal and think, “it’s either overnight or not at all.”

We start a creative endeavor and we think, “it’s either instant virality and renown or it’s not my calling.”

We feel anxious over an important email and we think, “it’s either perfect genius prose immediately or it’s not gonna happen.”

Stop for a moment and attempt to draw in more than a single breath at a time.

How’d that go for you? Not so well I imagine.

Imagine spending your days suffering over the fact that you are unable to draw two breaths at once instead of simply accepting the marvelous and freeing simplicity of the reality of our limitation to one breath, one step, at a time.

With everything in life, you can take one step forward at a time or none at all.

Don’t remain paralyzed and stagnant as a product of mistaking reality for anything other than what it is.

One step at a time.

This article was originally published on


