The one thing you should do during the pandemic
Richard Eckley
Founder of Eckley Global Community School, No1 Best Selling Author, life coach, podcaster, speaker I teach how to achieve a work life balance through better health , wealth , relationships and mindset
Hi Richard Eckley here I hope you and your family are keeping safe and well ? These are unheard of times, with many people scared and not really sure what they should do for the best for their families . The government guidelines have done a lot to help the NHS and have protected the front line staff , enabling them to carry out their vital work and reduce an overload that may have happened if they didn't take these steps . Which I am sure we are all grateful for.
However while the social distancing , wearing of masks, washing hands regularly and not socialising have all helped with this , the core issue is our immune systems have not been helped in any way to naturally fight off this kind of attack , Every year a new strain of flu develops around the world, the WHO ( World health Organisation ) then have to make an educated guess about the best vaccine to develop to help combat this in early February, ready to ship to the rest of the world for the start of the flu season in October . This year the vaccine had no effect on the Coronavirus
( COVID -19 ).
So our preventative laws were passed and these drastic steps were put in place.As most medical centres around the world struggle with the normal stream of patients on a daily basis,they would have been totally overwhelmed with this current pandemic . This constant flow of patients is mainly due to lack of education about how our lifestyle choices are causing many of the illnesses and diseases most common today , eg, cancer , heart disease , Alzheimer's etc.
with 10 % being a genetic disorder ( out of our control ) but 90 % being a direct result of how our lifestyle choices are affecting our body and mind .
I hope you enjoyed your copy of ( Mastering Your Mindset ) which may have helped in some small way during these current conditions . The importance of How our bodies work , more importantly how our immune system can be enhanced to protect against future illness and disease , has been made crystal clear in this situation , as every year a new strain of flu will develop, as it has for hundreds of years before, unless we're going to repeat this lock down system every year, getting our immune system improved to be able to fight off future health problems ,is the most important thing we can do for ourselves. Once we know the steps required to do this, we can take action ourselves to protect our families , these steps are covered in my latest book ( How To Master Your Health ) which I have been researching and developing for over 2 years, these simple steps can act as a guide to help build your families immune systems to enable them to protect themselves for the rest of their lives.
a quick list of what's covered
Are you on the S.A.D or B.A.D diet ?
How your diet affects all your cells .
How what you drink affects your blood ?
Are you preventing your lungs from working properly ?
What is your body and brain doing at night time ?
How to help you sleep better ?
Why is fat stored in certain areas of our body ?
What would be hailed as a miracle cure if we just did it every day ?
How your mind rebuilds and regenerates your body ?
How to cope with Stress and remove it from your life ?
How to fight off disease with the right ingredients ?
How today's choices can affect how long you will live ?
(How to Master your Health) will be released to buy on June 1st from Amazon at a reduced price of £9.99 before returning to its normal price of £12.99 form June 2 nd onwards. I do have a few Author copies available, if you would like a signed one just reply to this email and I will send you the paypal link for £9.99 and A FREE BONUS.
all the best
Richard Eckley
Eckley Global Community School