The One Thing You Must Let Go To Follow Your Heart
Tyson Sharpe
Helping business owners shift their level of consciousness to build a heart-based business that's aligned and thriving
When I left my job, I had a pit of fear in my stomach because I had a belief that money = safety.
This is a story I had to let go of if I was to trust this deep inner knowing that I am meant for so much more. I then realised there is 1 thing most people have to let go of when taking their heart’s leap:
It’s what I call ‘Steps Of Security’
Most people want to follow their heart’s calling, but want to place conditions on their leap. ‘I’ll leap as long as I make money, I’m successful, and no one judges me’ is what your ego might say.
By letting go of the need for each step and outcome to be known, you build a deeper relationship with the guiding force within you that is more powerful than what your ego can see.
You surrender to the outcome and are therefore willing to accept the higher-level opportunities, or deep lessons that you are meant to learn.
All you have to do is listen to which steps feel exciting/expansive, surrender to all outcomes, and leap with a deep level of inner love and peace.
If you want to explore this for yourself on the weekly group coaching calls, reach out and ask how you can join :)
Take care now!