The ONE Thing You Must Do in 2024
The first day of a new year. A clean slate. A list of goals and resolutions that will make us better people with better lives. Hope lives on the horizon, where we stare, looking for the solutions that will make this year better than last...than the one before that...and the one before.
Inevitably, the shine will wear off and we'll be back to the day-in, day-out. What then? What happens when you've already forgotten why you wanted to do that big thing, or you've gotten bogged down in the daily grind that seems to happen no matter what the date on the calendar says?
What then?
It's easy to look ahead in hope—and there's no easier time than now. And, it's natural to want to find a singular solution that makes everything else fall into place, but after decades on this earth—I'll confess: I haven't yet found it. Nor have I found anyone else who has.
But what I can speak on, with some degree of authority, is that there is one thing that you can do in this year that will pay dividends for the rest of your life. One project that—if you can dedicate time and energy toward—will offer returns larger than you can imagine.
That project is you.
The one thing that will pay off higher than maybe any other goal you could set is to take the time to get to know yourself. Understand what you think and why you think it. Rediscover who you are outside of military service or after years of parenting small children. Redefine the things you are most proud of and the things you would still fight for. Reimagine what your life can look like in five...ten...twenty years....and change it if you don't like the vision you see.
See, when you tune into yourself, you can expect some of the biggest dominos that life puts out there to fall into place:
So, if you're spending today looking hopefully at the horizon, imagine a horizon with you as your best self. It's not a "New Year, New You." It's the same You that's always been there—you're just paying closer attention to who they are and what they need.
And when you do, you'll never look back on time the way you did before.
If you're a veteran, military spouse, or transitioning service member and are feeling lost or aimless, or are just looking to rediscover yourself outside of the military, The RECON Network is here to help. With coaching, events, resources and programs dedicated to helping you transition successfully and life in purpose, we know the most important project this year is you. Contact us today to find out more.