Real Estate Auction Podcast - Episode 3
Giacomo Sinisgalli
CEO at CREA?, Principal Broker, 4X Published Author, Founder of
The One Thing That Real Estate Agents Can Do To Increase Their Chances of Achieving and Even Surpassing Their Income Goal in 2019 – And It’s Not Prospecting More…
As always, I have a message that I share at the end of all my articles, so stick with me until the very end of this article to find out what it is.
Ok so there’s no real “secret” to success when it comes to achieving your goals… but there is one thing that is often overlooked that can dramatically increase your chances of achieving your goals.
But before I reveal the one thing, let me preface by stating the obvious, if you’re not getting the results you want, then odds are you’re going to have to make some changes. Now I’ll be the first to admit that making changes is easier said than done, especially when it comes to breaking bad habits. The reason for this is that bad habits will beat out will power almost every time.
That’s why so many people end up giving up on their new year resolutions within a few months after the new year and it’s the same reason why some people can’t get to the next level in their business.
So, here’s the one thing that can make an incredible difference in your life when it comes to achieving your goals no matter what they are, and that is “who you hang out with.”
Now I'm not talking about you having to get rid of all your friends or replacing your friends. What I'm talking about is consciously and intentionally looking for and finding the people you need to hang out with to help you achieve the goals that you want.
The great thing about this with today’s technology is that it can be just you in front of a computer networking and masterminding with a group of people who are on the same mission as you. That's it.
You have the ability without leaving your house to associate with, lean on, mastermind with and learn from people anywhere on the planet that want to achieve the same goals as you. If you have an internet connection, or a phone connection, then you've got the ability to network with others. That's the greatest thing about the world today. The problem is that so many people try to power through their bad habits and figure out how to succeed all by themselves.
No one does it alone. We all need some help. We all need to surround ourselves with people that are pushing us forward, that are driving us towards our goals. That's why successful people attend mastermind groups. It’s to surround themselves with people who are on the same mission, who have the same financial and business goals, and who can help push them forward.
Look I've got lots of friends who are not in the real estate business that I have enjoy hanging out with, but they are not necessarily on the same financial mission as me…they don't have the same drive to create the type of business or income that I have. So, I go and I find those people who are. And I intentionally surround myself with those people and stay in contact with those people.
So, there's this term that the rising tide lifts all boats. And that's how it works with a mastermind group. When you join a network, when you participate in a mastermind, when you interact with a group of people that can lift you higher, it makes everything so much easier.
That's the one thing that is guaranteed to help you increase your chances of achieving your goals in 2019, no matter what they are.
Now I don’t want to sound like I am repeating myself, I think you get the point. But for those of you still scratching your head, the key here is that you want to surround yourself and learn from people with experience with whatever goal you are trying to achieve. There's all kinds of books on learning out there. (And I love reading books. I absolutely love, reading books. I'm always reading. I'm always learning from books.) But the books that you want to study are the books written by people with experience. And the people that you want to hang out with and learn from are the people that have learned from experience. These are the people who can teach you, motivate you, inspire you and who can keep pushing you forward.
Let me give you an example, something that happened in my life. I have always wanted to write and publish a book. But in my mind, I always wrongly assumed that it was a monumental task that takes years to accomplish. Until I joined a mastermind group on how to write a book fast. That was the actual name of the group, how to write a book fast. Now here’s the amazing thing about joining a mastermind. It only took a few short weeks on networking with that group and learning by other people’s experience in the group for me to start dispelling all the myths that I had associated with writing a book.
The power of the group was stronger than all the things that had been holding me back from writing my book. Within a year I had written and published my first book. Which is still sold to this day in 9 countries around the world.
And it’s because of the time that I spent with that group, that I now feel confident in the fact that I can write a book fast if I wanted to. In fact, I have a second finished manuscript ready to publish when I feel the time is right. And it's an amazing powerful feeling to have that kind of confidence that I never would have acquired if I had not joined that group. And it was a free group.
So just remember, who you hang out with, who you learn from, and what you're learning, helps to create your habits, whether good or bad.
And 90% of everything we do in our life, we do over and over and over, day after day. Which is why you want to build the type of habits so those things you're doing day after day, after day are helping you create a great life, the type of life you want, and pulling you towards achieving all your goals.
But the funny thing is, when you surround yourself with the right people and learn the right things, it's almost like those things drive your habits, and those things support your habits. Or those things allow you to establish the positive habits that you need.
So behavior change is really, really hard. But if you focus on learning from people with experience, and you surround yourself with the right people, those are the things that in the long run are going to make the biggest impact for you.
Ok so here’s my secret message for this video. I created a free mastermind group for real estate brokers and agents who want to learn how to add an additional income stream to their existing real estate business using online real estate auctions.
It’s called the Real Estate Auction Network. You can find it on Facebook listed under Groups at:
The group is not just about selling real estate at auction. You’ll also learn other valuable business strategies like how to prospect, where to find motivated seller leads, how to make money listing and selling real estate using online auctions and of course you’ll have the added benefits of being a part of a mastermind where everyone is on the same mission as you. And that is to earn more money in our real estate businesses in 2019.
So go ahead and visit the group today and request to join.
That's all I’ve what I've got for you in this message. I hope it helps you achieve all your goals in 2019. Actually, I don’t hope, I know it will.
Make it happen.
Giacomo Sinisgalli is the CEO at and the founder of RealEstateAuction.School. He is also the author of Real Estate Auction Secrets Exposed: How to Make a Fortune Selling Real Estate at Auction. An approved real estate instructor and licensed real estate broker in New York with over 27 years-experience. He can be reached at 1-844-247-7653 ext. 1 or email at [email protected]
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