The One Thing People Don't Know About Success...

The One Thing People Don't Know About Success...

Hey, Girlfriend.

We're in the second month of the year.

I know some of us may have decided that we aren’t going to be able

to achieve the goal that we wanted to achieve at the beginning of the year 2022.

I wanted to give you hope that you can still achieve your goal, girlfriend.

This goal is going to cause you to step outside of your comfort zone.??

How do we do that?

We have to reverse engineer our goal(s) AKA a plan of action.

Break the goal down into golden nuggets that we could actually implement in our everyday life.

The first thing that I recommend….

1) Know the true requirements of the goal.

For example, say we want to lose weight.?

Instead of just saying we want to lose weight,...

we actually can say we want to lose 20 lb.

Then we have something that's measurable that we can actually work towards.

The same thing happens in business.??

We want more clients and more income.

We need to figure out what more income or clients mean.?

Is it $1,000 or $10,000 per month or 10 or 50 clients per month??

When our goal is measurable, we have something that we can actually be working towards to help our dream become a reality.

I recommend having a daily breakdown of what is needed to achieve our goal.

This is what I think we miss.

We have a goal and we get excited about it but…

for whatever reason, we're not doing the day-to-day tasks...

that we need to do to actually make that goal a reality.

We get caught up in the romance of actually achieving the goal...

but not the mundane activities that are a part of the journey to success.??

Our actual effort makes the goal a reality, not just setting the goal.

In the past, I was determined to find the secret sauce to success.?

2)There is no secret sauce, just effort.

It’s our daily activity done consistently over time that allows us to reach our goals.

If we are losing weight, …

we must watch what we eat and how much we eat, how long ...

and how often we work out to burn calories, get proper rest...

and consistently doing these tasks over time.

In business, it's how to get prospects and then how to convert those prospects into raving fans to get sales consistently.

3)Know your numbers.

If for whatever reason we didn't do our minimum numbers, we know why we didn't reach our desired outcome.?

There is no need to be upset because we have not made the effort to get the results.?

There are 3, 500 calories in a pound.

If we want to lose one pound per week, we must burn off or not consume 500 calories per day.

If our conversion rate is 5 to 10% and we want 10 new customers per week.?

We know that we will need to have at least 50 -100 prospects to reach that number.?

Now, does that always mean that when we do the work required…

we will achieve our goal.?

Not necessarily.

4) Our focus is on the activity, not the results.??

The results will come over time.?

We must trust the process.?

We want our life and business based on our effort, not luck.

Luck is not going to pay the bills.

I believe that is why we need a mentor or coach to help us along our journey.

It’s so easy to hold others accountable for their commitments, but not ourselves.

Are you committed to making your 2022 business goal(s) a reality??

Type “me” in the comments below.


