The One Thing Most People Fail To Understand When Pushing Themselves For Success - The Missing Ingredient That Makes A Gigantic Difference

The One Thing Most People Fail To Understand When Pushing Themselves For Success - The Missing Ingredient That Makes A Gigantic Difference

Everyone always says that they want Success.

Many of them, I Believe.

Most people "Want" Success.

However, it is Not Enough to simply "Want" Something.

You've got to Take Action to "Get" it.

Now, this is the First Splitting Point where people will find themselves on the Path to Success.

To Do or Not Do.

That is a Bit of What I Spoke About Yesterday.

Are You Willing To Sacrifice for the Dream to come True?

Those who say No to Sacrificing (Within Reason) Fall Off.

Those who say Yes to Sacrificing (Within Reason) Push Forward.

There is "Another" Split that Occurs, though, for those who begin to Sacrifice and Push for their Success.

If you Read Yesterday's Article, I mentioned a Sacrifice that I made to Continue my 800+ Daily Writing and Publishing Streak...

I Only Slept 3 Hours the Night Before.

Pretty Large Sacrifice.

But Honestly...

It's a Sacrifice that Many People have made.

Sacrificing Sleep for a Day is Not All that Impressive.

Even if 3 Hours is a "Bit" Extreme.

In fact, Many People with the Hustle Disease make Similar Types of Sacrifices all the time.

There is a Problem that Arises Here.

An Ingredient that Most Miss.

You Must Sacrifice, Yes.

But there is the Other Side to the Coin We Must Recognize...

We Are Humans.

There are Psychophysiological Rules we Must Exist By.

For Truly Peak Performance...

We Must Recover.

The "Harder" We Push Ourselves...

The "Harder" We Will Have to Recover.

Often, the Recovery Will Actually Take "Longer".

Let's take this Sleep Example.

Leading into Yesterday, I Only Had 3 Hours of Sleep.

Today, I am Paying for the Sacrifice.

My Sleep Debt Has Gone Up.

My HRV Dropped Dramatically.

My Body is Lethargic and Sluggish.

Even though I got Enough Sleep coming into Today...

I Will Still Be Paying Off Sleep Debt for Days.

The Sacrifice was One Day.

The Recovery from the Sacrifice looks like it will take 2 to 4 Days.


All of our Choices will have Consequences.

The Bigger the Sacrifices...

The Bigger the Consequences...

The More Recovery We Will Need for Overall Success.

Depending on the Context of the Sacrifice, "Recovery" can also be Switched with another word...


For Instance, if you Made a Sacrifice of Family and Friend Time...

You are going to have to Spend "More" Time with Family to Counter-Balance.

If You Make a Sacrifice of Fitness...

You are going to have to Spend "More" Time Working Out in the Future.

If You Make a Sacrifice of Sleep...

You are going to have to Spend "More" Time Sleeping in the Future.

Most People Completely Miss the Recovery and Counter-Balance Aspect on their Path to Success.

Which quickly becomes a Significant Problem...


This is where we are at our Psychophysiological Worst.

Our Productivity Potential Drops to 5% of what is Possible.

We Feel Awful.

We become Worse at Problem-Solving.

Our Emotions and Nervous System are Far More Likely to Cause us to Act in Detrimental Ways.

The Harder We Sacrifice "Without" Properly Recovering or Counter-Balancing?

The Faster We Hit Burnout.

There is a Reason that Over 80% of People are in Burnout Today.

It comes from a Lack of Proper Recovery and Counter-Balancing.

If we Want to Gain Success, we Will have to Sacrifice Along the Way...

But there is a Reason we must Understand "What" We are Sacrificing...

When we Sacrifice, We Will have a Recovery Price We Will Also have to Pay.




This is the Only Way toward Success.

Without Recovery, You Simply...



This is a Great Recipe to "Literally" Tear Yourself Apart...

Yes, Burnout "Is" a Literal Tearing of the Body Apart from the Inside Out, which is Why People "Have" Died from Burnout, even in their 20s.

This is Why so many People in the Healthcare Industry, despite having Incredibly Meaningful and Purposeful Careers, Frequently Experience Burnout.

No Recovery.

This is also Why So Many People "Return" to Burnout Quickly after taking Vacations.

Do You Really Think a 4-Week Vacation will have a Lasting Impact on 48-Weeks of Sacrifice?

Of Course Not.

That is Not How the Human Body Works.

Anyone who tries to Tell You Otherwise is Selling You Something.

For True Success, You Need "Real" Recovery.

The Harder You Sacrifice...

The Harder You Must Recover.

Do Not Forget This.

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Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.的更多文章