The ONE THING Every Business Owner Needs To Be Laser Focused On RIGHT NOW...

The ONE THING Every Business Owner Needs To Be Laser Focused On RIGHT NOW...

This is a call to arms.

Agency Owners, Marketing Geeks, Influencers, Business Owners, Coaches, and Online Experts...

This is our time to rise up together.

I need not mention how crazy things seem to be right now, however, I want to share...

...the ONE THING every business should be laser focused on right now:


Reading that, you're probably like,

"Sean, how dare you! What do you mean, opportunity? How can you say that with everything that's going on?"

While I 100% agree that the current business climate and what's happening in the world is totally bogus, I'd like to add that it presents significant opportunity to those who are looking for it.

Today, I'm gonna chop up a few ideas that should get your forward thinking brain on...

So read on for the next 2 minutes and 47 seconds...

Let's go!

So, I believe it's our duty to lead the charge and continue moving the world forward. That being said, we (as business owners) need to take advantage of all the tools we currently have in our armory and devote a large amount of time to thinking about how you can adapt your organization to answer the following major problems you may be facing...

Problem #1 - Attracting new prospects consistently

Problem #2 - Closing clients

Problem #3 - Delivering services without having to stop sales

We need to quickly shift our focus into looking through a "new world" opportunity.

This means a few things...

  • -> we have to brainstorm deeply about where is the opportunity for you and where can your organization make the most impact in serving your clients.
  • -> We have to be the loudest voice.
  • -> We have to think outside of the box.
  • -> And this definitely means, we have to try out-of-the-box prolific strategies.


Problem #1 - Attracting new prospects consistently

The resounding shift in business I've been through over the past 8 months has seemed to turn from "Seize the day..." into "Build something to protect yourself, your life, and your business...".

So, here's an example I would probably deploy if I was an agency owner and was working with a restaurant as a client.

Design and launch a video campaign showing all the adaptions the restaurant has made with regard to sanitation.

Perhaps an interview style ad where the business owner is doing a voice over talking through b-roll of the new procedures they've implemented. (ie... gloves for chefs, face-masks, how they pre-clean food, how sanitary the kitchen is, and what precautions they've taken to continue serving loyal local clients)

Right now the world is focusing heavily on personal health, so how can your clients extract that in their marketing?

The key is to stay focused on what your clients' clients are concerned about and how their business can adapt to the changing environment so they can continue to serve despite any economic changes.

Problem #2 - Closing clients

This is a favorite of mine because lately a lot of our clients, partners, and friends have been flooding my email and our social with this question:

"Sean, could you consult me on how I can close more clients during this time?"

Great question, and yes.

The simple answer has 2 parts.

-> PART 1 -- Agree & Assure...

"Miss prospect... While I 100% agree that the world is in a troubled spot, I'm optimistic. Although is the world has a big chip on it's shoulder, I am grateful our government is investing billions of dollars and assigning all of the smartest minds on our planet to solve this problem and pandemic. Business may slow down but we can surely agree that the world and business will continue marching on. In fact, history has shown the human race has always overcome all adversity in it's path and this is no different - it's just a bit more scary when you're in the middle of it, wouldn't you agree miss prospect?"

-> PART 2 -- Discover the Pain

Upon getting agreement:

"Great. Let's talk about where your business will struggle with the most and maybe we can possibly brainstorm and connect on an idea where we can serve each other. A lot of our recent clients are coming to us because they're worried about how the lack of clients into their restaurant has shifted a concern onto expiration dates of food. Are you having this problem?"

And so on...

But work your selling convo focus to show that you've provided a lot of deep thought into where they have areas of concern.

You're bound to strike a nerve.

When you do, work together on understanding any solutions they've tried before and diagnosing why they didn't work.

And discuss the total amount your prospect has already invested into fixing this item.

Eventually you'll get them to a place where you've uncovered more pain than dollars.

At this point, get agreement that you should work together to solve these, and move the agreement to the yes category.


Problem #3 - Delivering services without having to stop sales

This is an internal area of the "RE-SELLING" business I'd highly encourage you to pay attention to.

While I could write an entire post on the RE-SELLING business vs. the SELLING business I'll keep it short.

Staying with the restaurant example, perhaps you include disinfectant wipes, coupons for upcoming promotions, and/or Free information about how to stay healthy during this time.

It's the little things like this that ensure your future clients will continue coming back to you over and over.


Concluding thoughts: it's vitally important to be able to shift your mental framework from "pandemic fear" into "where's the opportunity to better serve my clients".

In times like this, staying focused on this ONE THING will help protect your business while serving your clients at the highest level.

Ciao for now!

-sean ??

Ps... I recently received something interesting... (not sure if you're a believer in this crazy stuff, but interesting none the less!)

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Apparently author Sylvia Browne wrote about this very pandemic in her book, "End of Days"...

Below is the passage:

Is this crazy? Or what?

I'd love to know your thoughts on whether or not you think this is conspiracy theory, or how she was able to publish the book so long ago and be dead accurate with this prediction so far?


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Sean Malone

Helping Founders say less, and close more deals using DMs with smart tech.

4 年

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