Karl Bryan
Creator of Profit Acceleration Software, Digital Acceleration Software and Group Coaching Software
Day 9: NEW Restaurant / Bar Magic
Thanks for the feedback on the restaurant case study yesterday. And you’re right…. If you had a marketing system ready to go BEFORE you worked with a coaching client, you’d become dangerous.
At the end of the day, the whole idea behind this approach is to know what to do, before you have to do it, and to ensure all steps place money in bank accounts, ethically.
If they don’t make money, you’re getting canceled.
The end.
Apparently, you like working restaurants and bars, so here are some more tactical steps that’ll put money in bank accounts for all concerned.
Not everything here will work. But if 5 of them are implemented it’ll change the game for your new client.
- Create a database… if it’s a family restaurant create a draw for ‘a family trip to Disneyland’. To enter they must provide name, cell phone number, birth date and address required (text special promotions ‘Goofy is in the house if you want to bring the family down for dinner and to take a picture with him. He’s here until 7pm’. If you don’t feel like cooking it’s all you can eat pizza night’. Make sure they don’t overdue this or it’ll backfire). One entry allowed per family member – more birthdays the better.
- If it’s a bar type establishment then the draw is a trip for two to Vegas (send picture in a text “its Happy Hour, the bar is packed, come say hi!).
- The best place to open a bar is right next door to a popular bar (most do the exact opposite).
- The highest profit items at a restaurant are appetizers, wine, and desserts.
- Rather than ask if they want a wine list… the waiter brings a bottle of red and white to the table and “presents” it…. Asks “This is our red wine of the night recommended by our bartender, the handsome blonde-haired chap behind the bar, Samuel Williams III… it’s a 15-year-old pinot noir made with local grapes from the Okanagan.” Do the same with a ‘dessert tray’ rather than a dessert menu. Profits over revenues… equals good MATH!
- People get addicted to “discounts” but not to “free”… monster mistake to do regular discounts because they come to expect it. And not appreciate it.
People LOVE free and it makes 20 times the impact.
- Work to get your clients there 4 times and they become regulars. The first 4 visits are critical to creating the habit.
- A restaurant has an empty kitchen for a solid 12 hours a day. This time can be rented out to someone interested in running a delivery type model and willing to cook after 10 pm and before noon.
- A restaurant can run a “prepackaged meal service” VERY profitably (classy advertisement on tables)
- A food truck can be a natural extension of the restaurant (easier than it sounds to manage).
- Hire a good-looking MALE behind the bar. The male attracts the girls and the girl patrons attract the guy patrons. Most get this backward and hire a pretty female behind the bar and end up with 12 drunk guys slurring.
Male will outperform the female in the cash register which surprises most.
- Pay for the barmperson to take a Flair course (with agreement they don’t quit for 12 months?) and learn how to flip bottles for entertainment.
- Pay your barperson to learn simple magic tricks (hire a guy that does magic) to entertain customers. *Don’t let it become a distraction and slow down service just makes the barman/girl 20 times as likeable.
- Make all meals look AMAZING and train your chefs on presentation. People will take a picture and share it (I think this is ridiculous but it’s super common).
- Music you play in a restaurant/bar is CRITICAL. Must cater to your target audience!
- If a menu is longer than 4 pages the food is CRAP. Too many items means too much frozen food. Also ‘wastage’ is a huge expense for a restaurant and more food to make… more wastage. ALL SUPER HIGH END RESTAURANTS HAVE SUPER TIGHT MENUS.
- Buy local produce (fresh and good for marketing).
- If you’re a dinner restaurant time your social media posts as dinner approaches (same with lunch).
- Reach out to food bloggers… their positive exposure can be GOLD for allowing you to raise prices and fill the restaurant.
- You need at least “two turns” (ideally three) for a restaurant per night. Most reservation calls will ask for 7pm but if you’re anywhere near busy they can say “we don’t have a 7pm but we do have 6.30 or 8pm which do you prefer?
1.5 hours (2 hours in a high-end restaurant) is the approximate time between reservations.
Your ONE THING is to be over-prepared and respect your audience / client.
Go drop in on the local restaurant, with some serious NEW mojo, and change their life forever.
You’re welcome.
I have turnkey marketing systems pre-created in 125 different categories of business.
Ping me if you want to have a look at one.
And remember this sage advice…
You don’t have a client problem.
You don’t have a money problem.
You have a refusal to help people before they pay you problem.
That’s the problem.
If you like what you read here, please share this on social.
Obsessed with your business coaching success,
King Karl
PS . If I gave you “turnkey marketing” pre-built in 125 different categories of business… many worth $50,000 and above to the small business owner… you’d be dangerous. Ping me if you want some info on how to get them.
PPS If you know a coach that needs this info and some magic for their practice… plz forward this to them so they can subscribe to my magazine and get my ONE THING series also.
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