One Thing: Day 33: My Father in Law and Uber

One Thing: Day 33: My Father in Law and Uber

Day 33: My Father in Law and Uber

Yesterday I was talking about how consistency beats intensity every day of the week and also how my Father in Law has gone missing.

I appreciate all the kind words and prayers. WOW and thank you. Sorry if I didn’t reply to all your warm wishes but please know we’re thankful.

Big Al still hasn’t been found and needless to say, our whole family is devastated. The police report is 15 pages and they found him on surveillance entering the hospital but not leaving.


I was talking about apples and it reminded me of one of my favorite movie scenes. Matt Damon is a little older than me but we share a birthday… he plays Will Hunting in ‘Good Will Hunting’.

Will Hunting: (Bangs on glass with thick Boston accent) “Do you like apples?”

Pretentious Ponytail Guy: (uncomfortable) “Ya”

Will Hunting (with thick Boston accent): “Well, I got her number…. How do you like them apples?”

Ha ha, pure gold.

Todays will be short and sweet given the situation around here…

Your ONE THING is how Uber built a 150 billion dollar company on the back of two questions:

  1. Where are you?
  2. Where do you want to go?

My experience is that VERY FEW people can intelligently answer those two questions.

If we had a swimming race and you didn’t know where the start nor the finish line was… I’ll smoke you no matter how much better of a swimmer you are.

I’d also extend about 50% as much energy.

Your clients have no idea “where they are” and there’s a good chance you’re not overly clear either. Don’t feel bad ‘cause that’s the vast majority.

Get clear on where you are and where you’re going and watch your results skyrocket.

Where are you in the life cycle of your business (if you’re a plane on the ground you’ll need to work harder for a short time to get it to flying altitude. Good news: once there everything is much easier)? 

What are your expenses each week?

What are the most profitable activities you each week?

How many leads/contacts do you create each week?

What are your revenues per week?

How many consultations per week?

How many clients per week?

How much training do you do per week?

This training question is critical because it makes you mentally strong.

Say this for me:

“He/She doesn’t take no for an answer!”

Those are words spoken of a man/woman with strong psychology. Strong psychology comes from someone that has done the work.

Michael Jordan out trained everyone and that’s why he always excelled in crunch time. Are you out training the other business coaches? 

Get clear on those two “Uber” questions and build the coaching business, and the life, of your dreams.

So much for short and sweet.

Obsessed with your business coaching success,

King Karl

PS. Elon Musk is attempting to colonize Mars and business coaches complain about how difficult it is to fill their local live event with ten decision-makers.

Come on…

PPS. Please keep my Father in Law in your thoughts and prayers. 

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