One Thing: Day 25

One Thing: Day 25

Day 25: Billion Dollar Valuations / Airbnb, Uber Etc…

Yesterday, I was talking about business models and how to create SUPER successful coaching clients so you can get paid an insane amount from a select few. 

Really start changing lives rather than buying into “no one wants to do anything and just wants to hire someone to do it all for them…”

Yesterday, I got an insane amount of “thank you” emails regarding the “business models” post and I’m sure you can guess I appreciate getting feedback… 

Here are two responses I thought were interesting:

Thank you!! I’m looking to build a business and this no doubt will have saved me thousands of $$ and time. I really appreciate it. I hope you have a wonderfully successful and enriching day!!

Thanks, Charlie Mason

King Karl, Your daily posts are great and I read most of them twice if not more. I’m in the process of negotiating to buy a business and you just convinced me it’s a promotion rather than ‘a business’. You just saved me over $100,000 in one email.

THANK YOU! David Carter

I am using these two to show you this kind of knowledge is VALUABLE for business owners. Mistakes they’re making and mistakes they can avoid when you and I are in their corner guiding them.

Ron Burgundy would be impressed if nothing else. Anyhoo….

Uber was built by 30 somethings is a ten-year-old company valued at approximately $150 billion!

Have you ever wondered how they get valued at that kind of dough?!

Do you remember when one million dollars was a lot of money??

I want to put the ‘million versus billion’ in perspective for you. 1 million seconds is approximately 12 days. 1 billion seconds is 32 YEARS.

In other words, a million and a billion have very little numerical correlation with one another. Today, I’ll explain the secrets of how famous Billion Dollar Unicorns like Uber, eBay and Airbnb were built.

Your ONE THING is understanding the business model I call a “Two Way Channel.”

I call it ‘two way’ because they bring in the clients and the suppliers to effectively the same place.

Ron Burgundy would call this a double whammy. The same place you go to put your room for rent, Airbnb. Is the same place you go to rent a room.

The same place you go to become an Uber driver. Is the same place you go to hail a ride. The same place you go to sell your golf clubs, eBay. Is the same place you go to buy a better set.

I built a $5.5 million dollar coaching company where I used to do $400,000 of new small business coaching clients per month. The X factor was that I brought in the clients (5 per business coach) as well as created the business coaches.

I hope you can see how valuable this line of thinking is. For you and more importantly for your coaching clients.

It would be pretty cool if you were part of building the next Billion Dollar Unicorn as a result of understanding the power of a ‘Two Way Channel’.If you do, you owe me a beer. 

Tomorrow, I’ll explain the business model Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram use to make MULTIPLE BILLIONS. 

And the mistake many are making and the one you might be making with yours? Speak to you tomorrow.

Obsessed with your business coaching success,

King Karl 

Get out of your own way and help someone like you would a loved one. 

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