Day 17: A Life Changing Offer

On Friday, I explained how Gary Vaynerchuk built his families liquor store from 3 million to 60 million advertising loss leaders and then using influential storytelling to boutique brands with better MATH (profits).

Today your ONE THING is ‘change your offer and you’ll change your life’.

Gary had an effective up-front offer (cheap popular items like Budweiser / Jim Beam) and then did the hard work of storytelling to move a decent percentage (plenty bought cheap Budweiser, left and Gary didn’t cry into his Cheerios) into high-profit items like boutique red wine.

All this was decided and measured with MATH.

I train coaches that work with us and create their SUPERPOWER of:

“Finding any small business owner $100,000 in 45 minutes without them having to spend an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.”

An incredible upfront offer by any one’s standards.

That’s their elevator pitch. That’s their bulletproof offer and very importantly it’s an insanely valuable process for the business owner.

The meeting becomes your equivalent of Superman’s phone booth and the ability to find $100,000 in 45 minutes is your new blue and red suit.

When you deliver that with a minor amount of mojo the automatic reaction is a stunned look and the follow-up question ‘So, how do you do that??”


Your storytelling starts and good storytelling means more clients than you can handle.

Do you really think after finding over $100,000 in record time that they want you to leave their office without signing up with you??

What happens is they grab your leg and won’t let you leave!

I presume you know… but I provide done-for-you online lead generation tools and build memberships sites (52 week Online Business Academy with over 200 hours of instructional video etc…) for successful business coaches.

I sometimes run promotions where I COVER ALL THE UPFRONT FEES to get a new business coach started and signing up their new high-end coaching clients and earning passive income through their online membership site (say “Passive Income” with me… and ability to monetize the MANY broke folks that you keep running into).

All coaches that work with me become authors with their own custom book and their Online Business Academy (membership site) that would blow your mind with multiple $50,000 turnkey marketing systems on the private backend area.

This all happens within 30 days.

I plug them into our ‘Live Event Mastery’ and get their landing pages built, events filled with business owners… I provide my word for word scripts and PPT’s to ensure conversions are great to high-end coaching.

Frankly, if you’re my ideal client, a successful business coach looking to make a difference, it’s borderline impossible to say no to.

Bottom line is that a bulletproof upfront offer has the ability to change your life.

It most certainly did for me.

Therefore, create a BULLETPROOF offer and then go tell someone about it.

In the interest of eating my own cooking and creating my own upfront offer here…

I’m going to offer the first TEN “approved” business coaches….

… and TEN ONLY so be fast or MISS OUT… that respond to this email the above offer.

I’ll cover ALL your upfront costs to get you started with us and signing up new coaching clients.

  • You’ll be an author in 30 days (if you’re already an author you’ll have the beginning of your trilogy and we’ll name the book consistent with your other. As in if yur book was “Business with Karl” your second book that we’ll provide will be “Marketing with Karl” etc…
  • You’ll have your own Online Business Academy with over 200 hours of step by step instruction that small business owners will WALK OVER BROKEN GLASS to get to.
  • Live Event Mastery to fill local live events for you
  • Your own one-to-one coach to generate leads and sign new high-end coaching clients
  • My new software that finds your small business clients/prospects $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.
  • You’ll join my community of over 700 successful business coaches that help you
  • The annual live event in Cancun, Mexico we bring you to
  • My private FB group with all our clients to help and motivate one another
  • The “turnkey marketing systems” in 125 categories of business that we pre-created for your small business clients. Imagine having a $50,000 marketing system for a chiropractor (or any other category of business)… and then sitting down to sell a Chiropractor a $2,000 per month ($24,000 per year) coaching program. I’m bad at math but pretty sure that’s a $48,000.00 DISCOUNT on day one if they agree to hire you. Plus the marketing system works and is done for you. Talk about your ability scale!! I have coaches that have a team of over 50 business coaches under them.
  • The 52 blog articles I’ve created for our business coaches
  • The 52 video blog articles I’ve created for business coaches that we populate on your website each month (can you say “do not lift a finger”?).
  • The 1-hour pre-positioning video I created for our business coaches to DISTURB your business owner (say “instant conversion to high-end coaching client”) before closing them on coaching.
  • The training so you can use my process of finding $100,000 in 45 minutes for any business owner you site with without them having to spend an extra dollar on marketing or adverting.
  • Social Media Training created for you and your small business owners in a 12 part video series
  • And so, so MUCH MORE…

Your only risk will be NOT TAKING IMMEDIATE ACTION (replying to this email ASAP).

Obsessed with your business coaching success,

King Karl

PS. If you’re interested in acquiring my SUPERPOWER of being able to find any small business owner $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising … or even curious reply to this email for more information.

PPS. If I’m willing to lose (significant amounts of) money to get you started… I must have confidence in the success of my online lead generation system and its ability to help you get and keep high end coaching clients.

Reply back if you’re interested

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