What is the one thing that I must do today that will make the greatest impact? Every day we are overwhelmed by things to do. We are told that we should do the things we do well first, but this is difficult. How do we ignore all the things I could do and do what I should do?
My focus for some time now has been on TRUTH. I have been concentrating on what I call OneTRUTH Leadership. It starts with asking the basic question "if there was one thing in my life or business I would change, what would it be?"
There is a theme appearing here. What is this "one thing" in my life where I should concentrate my efforts? Is it my pursuit of TRUTH?
Each morning, I spend time in devotions with reading a Bible passage and prayer. I then spend time writing in my journal, outlining the things I have to do each day. I place little boxes next to the tasks or goals to check off when (if) I complete the item. Recently I have been trying to identify that one thing that I must do that will have the greatest impact that day.
Stay tuned to see how this all works out!