One Step at a time #SportAndBusiness
Toni Minguet, Eng, MBA, PSM
IT Executive | Digital Transformation | Innovation | Ultra Endurance Athlete
One Step at a time #SportAndBusiness
Those who know me already knows that I am getting ready for a #70.3 #Ironman, that means lot of hours of training and dedication.
Well, yesterday was one of those days that after 1h of indoor training (at 75% of my FTP) I had to run 45min. I decided to go outdoor for the run, I got ready, and jump out of home!!! And was freezing!!!! -14o + wind. The first 15 minutes I had all the time the idea of "man, turn around still more than 80% of the training to be done, go home for a hot shower", however, I decided to push and have the #mental-strength of "one more step", and I finally get it done and finished on really good shape (in fact I got +1 on my FTP running condition, for those geeks ;)).
At work, it is the same. Lot I times we see some tasks as a big mountain, however if you start to climbing them, step by step, one small portion at a time, you will conquer the top and get it done! Some times you will do a little step back, but thats ok and part of the process, as long a you keep moving. You just need to walk and face those fears.
It only takes One Step at a Time.
Good luck Toni - Ironman is an awesome thing and brings so many benefits in and out of workplace.