One step at a time

One step at a time

When we look at where we need to get to, it even gives us a shiver! It seems to be far, it seems to be dangerous, it seems to be dark, it seems that there is not even a way, in short, it seems that we will not arrive.


This also happens, for example, when we start working in the area of information technology (IT), the immediate impression we have is that we know absolutely nothing, because the flood of information we receive when walking around the company or navigating through the screens of a system or program, makes us think:

"Wow, will I ever understand all this?"

...and the answer is... yes!

Perhaps not in its entirety or with extreme depth in some concepts, but yes, you will learn and carry out your work and everything that was new and strange, will have a name, a procedure, become part of your routine and all that, it will be normal for you.


... there is an aspect that will always continue to happen, that of continuous learning. You must leave this process open within you, because your knowledge, the higher it reaches, the greater the horizon of what you can still learn and that is the great magic, that of managing to reinvent ourselves at every step.

Live this feeling of learning with awareness and everything will certainly be lighter for you.

After all, from time to time a new mountain appears in front of us, but it also arises in us, the confidence, that we can go through it and more than that, reach its top and through it, choose where we will leave, as being the new destination.

Don't stop learning, your road is long and perennial!


My name is Odair Garcia Arouca, an IT professional for over 25 years. Married, father and writer. Author of the book Technology A Career of dreams - Behavior and procedure and also of the series of medieval books Callouny.

Get to know my book Tecnologia - A carreira dos sonhos - Comportamento e Procedimento about a career in the IT area. Where I discuss difficulties, challenges, benefits, business areas, expanding careers, IT professional behavior and profile, as well as the professional's profile in relation to their environment. I invite you to take a fantastic and unforgettable journey in this book!

If you also enjoy literature with a dash of adventure, get to know the Callouny series, starting with the book Callouny - The stone town. I advise you to hold on to the chair, as the emotions will be strong! Good reading.

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Also present on instagram @odairarouca



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