The one source to find all your answers

The one source to find all your answers

Lead consciously # 114. by Executive Coach Claudia Nuss lead consciously.?

This time: finding the answers or searching for data

What if all your questions might be answered easily?

Many people are trying to find answers right now to deal with all the unknown matters - from the outside. Trying to find answers online, looking in search engines for more data, screening the news, asking around.

What if all your answers are right in front of you?

All they find is either no answers, or answers which don’t make sense for them, which don’t fit for them.

What if all the answers are right inside of you?

How do I access them? Where might I find anything inside?

Well, we are trained to mainly use our analytical part of the brain and of that only some portions.

What if you could make more use of your whole brain?

This whole-brain state brings many benefits:

·????????converting subconscious beliefs into high-speed,

·????????clearer thinking,

·????????less stress,

·????????direct access to creativity and problem-solving skills,

·????????heightened awareness such as an increase in efficiency and energy.

The more one knows about the Whole Brain State, the more likely it is to be a gateway to higher consciousness.

I love to share four exercises -I do every morning - with you,

right when waking up, to have my brain in top condition,

to be better able to listen to my inner wisdom, to my inner guidance.

We are used to do physical exercises to go to the gym regularly. It’s truly a gamechanger to do brain gym every day or as often as possible. It only takes about 2-5 minutes!

Sign up here for the

Brain Gym: 4 exercises for your mornings ??????????????????

Link to sign up???????

Gehirntraining: 4 übungen für jeden Morgen ????? Anmeldelink???????????



For 24 hours the price is reduced to EURO 9,99 instead of EUR 14,99!


Wishing you an amazing day, with learning more about your inner wisdom!


Claudia Nuss is an author, executive coach and keynote speaker. As a strategist and mental trainer, Nuss helps executives achieve personal bests, leading to excellent results up to the corporate level. She ranks in the TOP 5 % in the social selling index of Business Consultants on LinkedIn.


After more than 15 years in management positions in the field of strategic corporate management, she founded her own company in 2011.


She studied at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and completed a semester abroad at the University of California in Berkeley.

Funded?by the Vienna Business Agency. A fund of the City of Vienna.


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