One Small Shift to Give You Momentum
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One Small Shift to Give You Momentum

I’ve had the pleasure of working with two talented Physical Therapists (individually) at home while recovering from knee replacement surgery.

Each one has complimented me on being ahead of schedule. They have admired my commitment to getting full range of motion. Separately, they said they wished more of their clients worked as hard as me.

I asked them if they had to push more of their clients or if most of them put in the work on their own. Without hesitation, both said, “I have to push most of them.”

I then asked why most of their clients say they had surgery in the first place. They shared the common response is “they were tired of being in pain.” I asked what some of the other reasons were for having surgery. Responses included “I’ve enjoyed hiking and I want to be able to hike again,” “I want to be able to walk my daughter down the aisle at her wedding,” and “I want to be able to bend over to pick up my grandchildren.”

Then I asked, of the various responses you receive, which ones correspond to the ones you have to push to get them to do their recovery exercises. Again, without hesitation, both said the ones that were tired of being in pain.

Both of them had “Aha Moments” as I went on to explain, those that simply were tired of being in pain, should’ve asked for wheelchairs instead of surgery. That way they would quit experiencing pain as recovery is painful. While the Physical Therapists work with different clients, both realized the ones that are working their recovery, the ones pushing themselves to get better, to gain full range of motion, are the ones with something to accomplish. The ones working towards something rather than trying to avoid something (pain).

In order to get their resistive clients to put in the work on their own, they would have to get them to identify something they’ve enjoyed doing in the past or would like to do in the future that they have given up on thinking it would ever be possible again. Once these clients can visualize the possibility of doing something again (or for the first time), they will be more inclined to complete their exercises on their own.

As long as these clients only focus on avoiding pain, it will be an uphill battle all the way.

Take a moment and think about things you are struggling to change. The biggest struggle isn’t in how you are going about the changes. It isn’t about what you are trying to change. The biggest struggle is about why you are trying to change.

You see, whatever you are trying to change, others have been successful in doing so. Some like you, still cannot complete the change. Like you, their struggle is their why, not the how to do it or what to do.

For example, if you are trying to lose weight because your doctor says it is going to shorten your life or because your spouse is complaining about your weight, your chances of losing weight (and keeping it off) are not very good. In these examples, you’re trying to lose weight because others want you to. You’re trying to lose weight to avoid pain. The pain of ridicule from your spouse. The pain of a shortened life.

Your chances of losing weight are enhanced greatly if the reasons for losing weight move you towards something (reward) rather than away from something (pain). Imagine yourself on the ballfield again or looking good at your class reunion or fitting into your favorite jeans. When you have something to look forward to, it’s easier to get through the tough times. It’s easier to push further when you feel you have plateaued if you’re moving towards something you are excited about.

The same example works for smoking and other less than desirable habits.

If you’re struggling with going to college because your parents want you to go, your chances of success are minimized because you’re following someone else’s dream. If you can change your perspective, thinking of all the benefits you will get from a college education, your chances of succeeding and enjoying the process goes up immensely.

You can use this same strategy of seeking positive results instead of avoiding pain or discord to motivate yourself for any number of things. If you don’t enjoy working in the yard and only mow the lawn after you grow tired of your spouse complaining about the way it looks, try changing your perspective. Instead of looking at it as work, think of it as good exercise. Think about being able to host neighborhood barbeques or outside parties.

Whatever you look for you will find. If you seek the positive in whatever you are doing, you’ll find it. If you only see the misery in the task at hand, misery is what you will find.

"When your Why is big enough, the How and What become easy."

Remember there is greatness within you. You must choose greatness. It won’t develop on its own.?I believe in you!

Take Action Today!

If you would like assistance with changing your perspective, I can help you. We can meet by phone, on Zoom, or at a mutually convenient location. Whether you choose me or someone else, a coach will expedite your results.

If you found value in this article, please like and share. You never know who else in your network may find it valuable. Thank you!

I appreciate you. I know your time is limited and I hope you receive value in reading my posts.?

I also invite you to connect with me. You can connect with me on LinkedIn, by email at?[email protected]?or through my website?at? Thank you!??

I always look forward to your thoughts and replies.

Published by Bryan M. Balch, Results Coach

Helping Individuals and Businesses Achieve Desired Results


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