The One Sixty Seven
David Sheret
Co-Founder of Archer Knight. Offshore Energy Transition Sensibility Evangelist.
Lights extinguished, loves lost forever.
Lives relinquished, returned to the Giver.
Ordinary heroes, fathers and sons.
Taken from families, taken as one.
The stayed, the departed. Together alone.
Solace cold comfort for the ones that came home.
Guilt ridden nightmares, the ghostly remains.
Shadow the constant, indelible pain.
But we honour them all with the way we remember.
Learning, evolving, improving whenever.
Making safer the future for those that remain.
From lives lost too early but not lost in vain.
Thoughts to the loved ones still still and heartbroken.
Photos worn thin and a will to be woken.
Spare prayers or what have you, whatever your heaven.
And never forget, the One Sixty Seven.
David Russell Sheret
30 years ago today Piper Alpha exploded resulting in the loss of 167 souls.
This poem is dedicated to the men below and their families and friends.
Robert Adams, 39
Ian Anderson, 29
John Anderson, 33
George Anderson, 45
Mark Ashton, 19
Wilson Bain, 34
Barry Barber, 46
Craig Barclay, 24
Alan Barr, 37
Brian Batchelor, 44
Amabile-Jim-Borg, 51
Hugh Brackenridge, 47
Sandy Bremner, 38
Eric Brianchon, 32
Hugh Briston, 40
Stephen Brown, 27
Henry Brown, 39
James Bruce, 42
Gordon Bruce, 52
Carl Busse, 31
David Campbell, 23
David A. Campbell, 29
Alexander Cargill, 39
Robert Carroll, 34
Alan Carter, 43
Robert Cleland, 33
Stephen Cole, 40
Hugh Connor, 35
John Cooke, 59
John Cooper, 37
Bill Coutts, 37
William Cowie, 32
Michael Cox, 26
Alan Cradock, 31
Edward Crowden, 47
Bernard Curtis, 45
Jose Da Silva, 26
John Dawson, 38
Eric Deverell, 51
Charles Duncan, 29
John Duncan, 33
William Duncan, 38
Thomas Duncan, 39
Eric Duncan, 49
Alexander Duncan, 51
David Ellis, 28
Douglas Findlay, 38
Harry Flook, 51
George Fowler, 40
Alex Frew, 41
Samuel Gallacher, 30
Miguel Galvez-Estevez, 36
Ernie Gibson, 45
Albert Gill, 32
Ian Gillanders, 50
Kevin Gilligan, 35
Shaun Glendinning, 24
John Goldthorp, 37
Stephen Goodwin, 22
James Gordon, 38
David Gorman, 41
Kenneth Graham, 40
Peter Grant, 31
Cyril Gray, 49
Harold Green, 44
Michael Groves, 44
John Hackett, 49
Ian Hay, 31
Thomas Hayes, 39
James Heggie, 45
David Henderson, 28
Phillip Houston, 35
Duncan Jennings, 28
Jeffrey Jones, 37
Christopher Kavanagh, 49
William Kelly, 43
Ian Killington, 33
Brian Kirby, 51
Stuart Knox, 37
Alex Laing, 38
Terrence Largue, 34
Graham Lawrie, 39
Findlay Leggat, 37
Brian Lithgow, 34
Robert Littlejohn, 29
Martin Longstaffe, 22
Raymond Mahoney, 60
John Martin, 33
Sidney McBoyle, 36
Robert McCall, 39
James McCulloch, 51
Alistair McDonald, 33
Alexander McElwee, 45
Thomas McEwan, 38
William McGregor, 48
Frederick McGurk, 51
William McIntosh, 24
Gordon McKay, 33
Charles McLaughlin, 46
Neil McLeod, 47
Francis McPake, 49
David McWhinnie, 36
Dugald McWilliams, 31
Carl Mearns, 20
Derek Millar, 32
Alan Miller, 31
Frank Miller, 33
John Molloy, 32
Les Morris, 38
Bruce Munro, 29
George Murray, 37
James Niven, 27
Graham Noble, 37
Michael O'Shea, 30
Robert Pearston, 25
Ian Piper, 38
Wasyl Pochrybniak, 37
Raymond Price, 59
Neil Pyman, 32
Terence Quinn, 28
William Raeburn, 38
Robert Reid, 27
Donald Reid, 44
Gordon Rennie, 52
Robert Richard, 45
Alan Riddoch, 44
Adrian Roberts, 28
Alexander Robertson, 50
Donald Robertson, 54
Gary Ross, 29
Michael Ryan, 23
Stanley Sangster, 56
James Savage, 41
Michael Scorgie, 28
Bill Scorgie, 46
John Scott, 26
Colin Seaton, 51
Robert Selbie, 32
Michael Serink, 26
Michael Short, 41
Richard Skinner, 41
William Smith, 43
James Speirs, 42
Kenneth Stephenson, 37
Thomas Stirling, 27
Malcom Storey, 38
James Stott, 40
Jurgen Stwerka, 36
Stuart Sutherland, 21
Terence Sutton, 28
Alexander Taylor, 57
Alastair Thompson, 45
Robert Vernon, 51
John Wakefield, 35
Michael Walker, 24
Bryan Ward, 48
Gareth Watkin, 42
Frank Watson, 38
Alexander Whibley, 28
Kevan White, 42
Robert Whiteley, 39
Graham Whyte, 42
James Whyte, 53
Alan Wicks, 40
Paul Williamson, 24
David Wiser, 65
John Woodcock, 29