One Simple Step To Find Your Better You

One Simple Step To Find Your Better You

Obstacles can stand in the way of fulfilling your life’s dreams. But did you know only one thing is usually holding you back from finding your better you?

Is it lack of money, or connections, or opportunity, or credibility? 

Nope! These aren’t the real reasons for stumbling in your quest. They’re all excuses.

Look closer and you might spot an elephant in the room.

The huge reason why you aren’t where you imagined you would be is staring you right in the face. You’ve resisted looking into its eyes for so long, you no longer know it’s there.

Privately, you know it’s the one thing you must address to take control and master your own psyche. Only then will you become the person you were always meant to be.

So, what is it? 

Bob Hawke Knew

Let’s get some context around your challenge. I recently watched a documentary about the challenges of our former Australian PM, Bob Hawke.

I remember the history of the events well. It was early 1983. I had just turned 16 and had started work at my first real full-time job.

I was all starry-eyed about my future and thought I could achieve anything.

Whether you loved or loathed Bob, it was hard not to admire him. But there was a hidden story around him that few knew at the time.

Before becoming PM, Bob loved a drink. No, he REALLY loved a drink. He would start the day with a brandy at 10am and then push on throughout the day, driven by more alcohol.

Then the Fraser Government was crumbling after seven years in office. It was clear that they could no longer govern, but there was no obvious clear alternative on the other side of politics.

Ultimatum time

And Bob faced an ultimatum from his party. Give up the drink – permanently – and become the nation’s leader.

The alternative? Keep drinking, miss your opportunity and fade into obscurity.

Bob had been thinking about running for Parliament for a long time. So he decided if he was to become the man that he had imagined – the man to lead the country out of the doldrums – that he must be prepared to give up drinking.

He chose to remain sober, rather than risk making a tainted decision which could have dire consequences for the nation.

He set aside the behaviour that had served him so well in the past – which had allowed him to behave like a larrikin in order to get what he sought – to lead the country.

Seize the moment

He seized his opportunity. And it paid off handsomely.

He became the leader of the Labor Party in early 1983. A few weeks later, he won the highest office in the land in what was regarded as being an unwinnable election.

He chose to set aside a lifetime behaviour – in what was then considered to be a socially acceptable practice – in order to achieve his vision. 

What this demonstrates is a real and practical reminder to all of us. If you want to achieve greatness, it will not just happen. You must seize it.

Greatness doesn’t just happen

Because, usually, the one thing holding you back from success is what you are hiding behind to dull a painful experience in the past.

The pain is now long gone. But you’re still holding on to the behaviour you’ve adopted to cope with it.

For some, that means turning to substances such as alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. For others, it’s an addiction to the security of your regular paycheck.

Alcohol and drugs dull the senses and prevent your mind from operating at peak capacity. So you miss the opportunities and miss out on achieving success. 

This is no sermon. At various stages of life, everyone is guilty of not addressing weaknesses or hiding behind such conditions.

Sometimes you just feel like you need permission from someone to help you take control.

Even if you can’t put a name to it, I’ll bet that your five closest friends all can – and probably have to your face on occasion.

Some people will never draw the line in the sand to take the action required.

Ask who you really are

Is that really who you are? Are you the type of person who can’t commit to your purpose to do whatever it takes to overcome the obstacles? Of course you are, which is why you are reading this.

So, at the end of the article, we have a challenge for you. We dare you to take it.

As the ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu, wisely said: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

So, if you’ve been waiting for permission to act – if that’s the one thing you need to start – here it is.

I give you permission to take control of your life.

Now get ready to take that single step. What are you prepared to do to become a better you?

In one word, think of the one thing you need to confront now in order to succeed?

And, by committing to overcoming it, I promise that you will feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

Go ahead, take that first step. Don’t think, act! Do it NOW!

About Daniel

Travelling under the alias of 'That Startup Guy' , I am the founder of StartUp Foundation (The Startup Accelerator for Experienced Professionals) and am intensely, deeply, passionately dedicated to supporting the success of aspiring founders, particularly-‘experienced professionals’ in becoming great entrepreneurs. I do this as a Startup advisor, mentor, Angel investor, and connector, and speak & write regularly on all aspects of entrepreneurship.

I spent 20 years in corporate life before catching the startup bug. (My first venture as an intrapreneur still generates over $10 million in per year). I've since designed, built & launched 14 startups across ecommerce, hospitality, social networking, logistics, financial services and the not-for-profit sectors.

If the article resonates with you, comment about it, 'like' it and share it. If you've got an experience about startups, or have got a question, reach out to me here.

Mark Bowater

? Leaving Mine Planning In A Better Place Than I Found It ? Developing Mining Engineers ? Improving Mine Planning Systems

5 年

Great reminder... "Don't think, act" it is often easy to start overthinking everything

Anne L.

Art and writing

5 年

Thank you for that simple step. I find I often need to give myself a break from beating myself up. Your encouraging words will help me to reverse the cycle of addiction with out shadow of doubt.


Enterprise Security and Geostrategic Risk Specialist | Co-Author of Security Risk Management Body of Knowledge (#SRMBOK)

6 年

Well said Daniel. It's been my experience that the biggest obstacle to any success in my life has been myself. Once I learned to 'get out of my own way' things just seem to fall into place. Half the battle of course is knowing exactly what you want but the other half it seems is facing up to the elephant in the room, as you put it. Thanks for the article. It is like a Zen Koan (OK, a very long one) but great material for some reflection.?

Robin Vessey

Scaling Your Business? Automate Your Value with Your Know-How as a Service

6 年

Wow, you usually get a few more comments than this in 8 hours Dan, nobody wants to go first. Its a hard thing to do, I'm spoilt for choice on what holds me back but I think for me, the key thing holding me back is confidence. I can often see what needs to happen but I shy away from being the one to do it because i might be wrong, or others may not follow me. I procrastinate, (like pressing post now) polishing and thinking and wondering if its the right thing to do. Here goes?

Danny Stone

Creating unique websites with personal attention | Design Development eCommerce CMS Analytics SEO

6 年

#noexcuses ... a fundamental concept well delivered !


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