One Simple Mistake Almost All Coworking Spaces Make
???? Ed Cortis
Digital Communication Compliance | AI & ML Innovator | Risk Mitigation | Real-Time Supervision | Enterprise Solutions | SaaS | Tech Leadership
How far do you think a member will drive to go to a coworking space? 10 minutes? 20 minutes? The surprising answer is 4 in 5 potential members will drive 30 minutes to your space. Let’s put it another way, anyone within a 30min drive of your coworking space is a potential member.
Using Colorado Springs near Denver, searching Google for a local coworking space these are the top 3 results with good showing by Epicentral and The Enclave.
Using the Time Travel website to list towns within a 30min drive of Colorado Springs reveals Manitou Springs, Fountain and Monument, all sources of potential members for any coworking space based in Colorado Springs.
Repeating the Google search for a coworking space in these 3 locations, Epicentral appears only once, The Enclave is entirely absent.
Create pages on your website with keywords for adjacent towns. A founder running a coworking space in Colorado Springs should create content with keywords such as ‘coworking manitou springs’ ‘coworking fountain, co’ and so on for Google to index with natural search.