Hate Your Job? YOU are YOUR Career Savior.
Dr Rochelle Parks-Yancy
Professor of Human Resources; Resume Writer-Slayer; Career Coach; Books' Author; Workshop Leader; Content Creator/Editor; I Am MY #1 Brand; Career Bad-ssery Expert
Retail stores and malls blame e-tailers, like Amazon and ebay, for their lack of customers. No one cares (besides investors, business owners, municipalities involved with those businesses). Only Macy's, JC Penney, or malls, themselves, will save themselves. So they have be creative and adjust to changing shopping paradigms. For example, they could rent out mall space to host conferences (gaming conferences, Comic Con, etc. comes to mind). They can't count on customers feeling sorry for them and running back to the stores. If people can get the sneakers they love for 25% cheaper online than in-store, don't blame the customer for liking those economics. In fact, don't focus on blame at all. Focus on solutions.
The same is true with people. "Wendy" wants to change careers from supply chain to artistic work. However, she's been told by various sources that it's a terrible idea, that it won't work (whatever that means), and so on. Wendy thinks that if she had more encouragement, more money, more help, more connections, more time, blah, blah, blah, she'd have probably changed careers by now. Wendy fails to realize that SHE is the problem. 1. Wendy tells people her career dreams and thinks they should care...they don't; 2. Wendy thinks people should want to help her become an artist....they don't; 3. Wendy thinks it's unfair that other people seem have done it and she "can't"......it's not.
Wendy's problem is Wendy. Wendy's solution is Wendy. There are many money saving things Wendy could do (e.g. bring lunch to work each day and eat it cold if needed, instead of eating out). She could network with people in the arts world and develop a sales pitch that makes others want to help her. She could go to events/places where artists congregate. She could change her LinkedIn page and other social media to be more arts-focused, to demonstrate her talents. Most of all, she could stop expecting anyone to care about her life's ambitions.
Moral of the Story: Captain Career Savior does not exist...except in YOU. No one cares about your career dreams or career unhappiness. YOU are the only solution available.