One Quick Thing about Leadership
I am my own best friend and my own worst enemy.
Every single day, everything I do and fail to do, creates benefits or consequences.
Sometimes it takes a while before the consequences present themselves.
I can pretend this isn’t true… to my own detriment.
I am stacking the odds in my favor, or I am making things more difficult for myself.
Is what I let slide the thing that causes my unhappiness?
I am always, always, gathering momentum in some direction.
Even if I’m avoiding or doing nothing, I’m still gathering momentum in a particular direction.
- Will it serve me?
- Will it support what I claim to want, or not?
I cannot escape the benefits or consequences of my momentum.
The truth reveals itself to me.
My deepest disappointment will always be; how I let myself down.
There is nothing more important that what happens to the people you care about. There is just the way that you treated them that remains to be seen.