One Precious Homeland
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
This will not be for everybody. Then again, it is for everybody. As an Educator and Entrepreneur, I believe in Optimism over positivity. I believe in the vision of Gene Roddenberry. I also believe there is much and good work required... in building a future for us all.
With that said, I am a proponent and champion of the idea that that work will require an exploration and consistent practice of Character and Purpose and Unity. That is my work and Service. More importantly, I believe it to be fundamentally true. Character matters. It fuels both Purpose and Unity. And it gives meaning... to life and work. And we need that, more than ever, me thinks.
It is not about being dour and engaging drudgery. We can be joyful, while working on what needs the work. It is not about arbitrary conformity nor uniformity. We can be different (and we need to be) but it is the moving forward together, stronger that is needed. Bringing our diverse backgrounds, temperaments, perspectives, knowledge, skills, abilities, competencies, capacities, talents and more to the proverbial table... this is vital.
There are no 7 steps to success here. There are no magic formulae, no simple mantras nor affirmations. I believe and contend that these next years will demand much of us. We are not "through". If that sounds negative, it should not. Negative is to think we are doomed. Positive is to think "all is good". Optimism is to believe that there are significant challenges to face and that we can and will face them. It is Fortitude, in practice.
It cannot be about getting back to "normal". Bruce Cockburn sung that the trouble with normal is that it always gets worse. Normal is a construct that denies the fact that change is consistent with growth, and that we must embrace it. As sour as it might sound, I believe that the Pandemic was and is a warning, to rise up. As I have said before, it was a global stroke; and we need to heed the shot across the bow. Heeding such will require Creativity. But more importantly, I offer that it will require our best sense of Character, Purpose and Unity.
I say none of this to drive "business" nor "scale up". That is not my ambition. Though it indeed be my work and Service, it is my deep and soulful belief and contention that these are times we cannot escape nor ignore. And, they will be historic. Not all will buy into this message now (and I may have lost some in this posting alone), but increasing numbers will be and are... seeing what is needed. The "back to normal" mantra is increasingly being seen as unwise by many. The more we resist constructive change, the greater the change that will be thrust upon us. Dire? No. A call to Character,?Purpose?and?Unity...?and?the?global goals. Indeed. Throughout history there have been seminal moments of change. I unapologetically believe we are in such times; and that we will make it.
To make it will require us to work it. It will require much of us. I say this not to generate revenue streams nor to grow my business. My enterprise is chosen because I see the need and am ready to play my role. I have considered the global goals and where I can create Service in response to same. I believe every enterprise, organization and individual can find their respective opportunity to serve and make a living doing so. I believe that is the true nature and character of business and education, for that matter. And, it is my chosen enterprise and my Congruence... and focus.
It is my PEACE of WORK... The Unity Guy, on Purpose. Of late, I have been focused on a return to optimal health. It too requires work on my part, but joyful work, for I know that it will serve my own capacity to be around and contribute. Joyful Excellence in pursuit of building a better world; I believe. Let us each claim our country and explore our Purpose. And let us begin... again, each day. It is what we need. The high road awaits.
I?am an Activant too; an Educator and Entrepreneur by experience, education and?Enthusiasm... with 40 years in leadership training and development, 27 years in business college education and 20 years certified and associated with?The Virtues Project. Additionally certified for 16 years in Temperament Assessment and with a longstanding body of work around Character Leadership, I help advance?conversation, consultation and capacity around?Character,?Purpose?and?Unity...?and?the?global goals. My work in business and education is to help those building a better world at school, work, business and community; locally and globally.?Humans together, strong.... that is?my?meaning... and?the space I can stay forever. To that?just cause, I commit.