Not One Person Is Saying "NO"..
Jeremy Jordan
Helping Busy Parents Turn LinkedIn Into A Simple Cash Flow Side Hustle. Living The Laptop Lifestyle.
A friend of mine asked me a simple question.
I had no idea why he asked me this
because it was a stupid question,
He said, "I'm asking everybody I
talk to today this question: What
does "Y.E.S." spell?"
I said, "Okay, I'll bite. It spells "YES!"
"Why are you asking everybody this
stupid question?"
He said to me, "DUH! Not one single
person is saying, "NO."
I asked, "What's your point?"
He asked, "Wouldn't it be nice if each
and every person that saw a way to
receive 100 to 200 Leads a Day, like
we do, said, 'YES' to the opportunity?"
He's right. Even I said "NO" at first,
because it seemed too good to be true.
I mean, seriously, it takes a lot of time,
knowledge and money for anyone who
owns a business to generate that many
Leads every single day to look at their
At the very least, we can all say "YES"
to taking a look at how to receive 100
Saying "YES" is a bold move.
Saying "YES" to simply looking is a
Remember, the best is yet to come...
Jeremy Jordan
PS - Connect with me after you get started <=