One person can Accomplish Anything!
A little about Paul Bunyan, American Folk Festival and One Person's Vision.
Bangor's 31 foot Paul Bunyan statue is very impressive sitting in front of the Cross Center down on Main Street. He has been there many years and has seen a lot! Hollywood Casino is a great looking building just across the street but it blocks his view of the Penobscot River. Big ole Paul does not seem to mind though. The Cross Center got closer and his breathing space got smaller. He keeps on smiling like a gentle giant with or without his blue ox. We should all be proud of him and the man who designed him. That man was J. Normand Martin and the statue was built by the Messmoor & Damon Co in NYC. It was paid for with many donation raised locally. Remember nothing is accomplished anywhere without someones vision. It only takes one person to start and then sell it to others, raise funds and the marketing of an idea. That is true today as it was then. It starts with one person so most people can accomplish anything they put their mind to. Oh they need drive and determination and they do not quit until they reach their goal. It is a pretty simple concept and Bangor is as good a spot as anywhere else. Now, I scratch my head wondering how something as great as the American Folk Festival was allowed to die. Now you know that any one of you could start it up again but be sure to know how you are going to pay for it. People are willing to help just like they did when they had a vision for Paul and his statue. Sometimes city government needs to provide help with ideas and then keeping things like the festival alive. Starting anything is hard work but keeping it afloat can be just as important. As for Paul he needs a new sign erected that tells his story like the old wooden sign he once had. - John.