No one is Perfect, But if you drive a SAAB, You are pretty close...
One of my favorite car brands that I have come to love and respect is Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget, simply known as SAAB. I always stop and admire this car every time I come across it in a parking lot or get stuck next to it at a red light. I often feel the urge to talk to the driver and just get a sense of what kind of person they are. I know Top Gear fans might say "accountant," but I believe that anyone who drives a SAAB is a true, authentic petrolhead (especially the older models).
I am well aware of the famous car brands that most people mention when they talk about motoring and engineering. However, most popular car brands usually have better marketing strategies that inflate the value of their cars. The SAAB, on the other hand, is a beautiful, special, intelligent car—a car that advocates for your human right to feel safe. (I wonder why governments spend millions on Secret Service protection instead of simply getting a SAAB.) It is a car for people who truly appreciate and understand motoring and engineering as a whole.
You can imagine how I felt during the Top Gear episode when they paid tribute to SAAB after the company shut down in 2012. If the last models were made in 2012, it means there aren't many SAABs still on the road, and because they are very special cars, you can imagine how pricey they are to purchase and maintain. For now, the best I can do is take a nice photo and admire it while they're still around—just as I did in the pictures below (but be sure to ask for permission from the owner).
Hopefully, when I travel to Gothenburg, Sweden, next month, I will see many of them and possibly go for a ride in one. That would mean the world to me. If you are reading this in Warsaw and you have a SAAB, please be kind enough to invite me for a tour of the city in your chariot