One Page Resume - Is Less Really More?
When it comes to resumes is less, really more? Recently, a VP of a national recruitment and staffing company mentioned that his clients have been increasingly requesting that his recruiters submit a one page resume. He asked my opinion on the trend and prevalence of the shortened resume and preference for the one page limit. As such, this article will focus on the resume length and employer preference.
The question of an ideal resume length is an age old topic. We have spoken to hiring professionals from all sides of the table: hiring managers, recruiters from the corporate HR side as well as the agency side, and just for fun we included a few career counselors. Unfortunately each of these experts has their own opinion of what the ideal length of a resume should be.
What the Research Says:
Research findings show that the most employers prefer more than a one page resume. In 2001 a survey conducted by Chiumento Consulting, the majority of recruiters (60 percent) and companies (70 percent) prefer a two-page CV to a one- or three-page resume.
Table from the combined average of recruiter and employer results. Respondents included hiring mangers and decision makers from 580 recruitment companies and 302 employers.
Of course the skeptics are thinking that the research above is dated. What is the current preference of employers when it comes to resume length? In 2007, Accountemps released the results of their survey on the topic of resume length. The results show that the one page resume is decreasing in popularity in favour of a two page or three page resume. The preference for a longer resume appears to be especially when it comes to resumes for executives.
Executives were asked, "What is the preferable length of a resume for staff-level employees?" Their responses:
Currently, 52% preferred the one page, 44% favoured the two page and 3% liked the three page with 1% left unsure. 10 years earlier, 73% preferred the one page, 25% favoured the two page and 1% liked the three page with 1% left unsure.
They were also asked, "What is the preferable length of a resume for executives?" Their responses:
Currently, 7% preferred the one page, 61% favoured the two page and 31% liked the three page with 1% left unsure. 10 years earlier, 28% preferred the one page, 64% favoured the two page and 7% liked the three page with 1% left unsure.
In October 2007, Washington DC, we attended a conference held by the ERE, an association for recruitment professionals (from both the corporate HR and agency side). At the forum, we informally polled corporate HR recruiters from companies such as Microsoft, Starbucks, Disney, and so on about the one page resume. Their responses did not support a preference for the shortened resume. Since then we have started a blog on this very topic through our recruiter's network to get ongoing data on this topic. So far according to the data we have researched, it's unanimous, most employers prefer resumes longer than one pages. This is especially noticeable with more senior applicants.
What we say: One size does not fit all
There are important considerations to consider when deciding on an ideal resume length for you. Factors that include your personal background, level of experience and education, industry type, all affect the length of your resume. Your personal situation also matters such as whether you are transitioning into a new career, remaining in your career, returning to work after a long absence and so on.
In summary, research does suggest that most hiring managers prefer two or three page resumes to the one page resume. From an HR perspective, these findings should come with a caveat that while there is a clear preference for resume length, of course relevant content takes precedence. Removing relevant content to conform to a resume length or conversely "padding" your resume with irrelevant content to meet a specific page length is a sure recipe for disaster. HR professionals and hiring managers are ultimately the last gatekeepers who make the decision to bring you in for an interview based on your resume. As such we need to pay particular attention to the needs and preferences of this audience. From an HR perspective, having reviewed thousands of resumes, resumes with irrelevant information not only dilutes the relevant information but also annoys the reader who has to read it. So when writing your resume do not restrict yourself based on a page length rule but rather use the guideline of relevant content and you will write a better resume. And if you are asked for a one page resume, then ensure you include the most relevant information that speaks to the employer's requirements.