One Night in the Valley

One Night in the Valley

The Society of Professional Journalist states in their preamble, and I quote, “Members of the Society of Professional Journalists believe that public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. Ethical journalism strives to ensure the free exchange of information that is accurate, fair and thorough. An ethical journalist acts with integrity.”. My interpretation of this is, The SPJ sees the ethics of journalism as a relationship between me, the journalist, and you, my readership, the public. I, as the journalist, must behave ethically with you being the beneficiary of this act. Now, the American Society of News Editors’ Statement of Principles mirrors the SPJ this conceptual belief regarding “responsibility” and ethical standards. It does this regarding the journalist's obligation to the public itself. Again this would include you, my readers. “These principles are intended to preserve, protect and strengthen the bond of trust and respect between American journalists and the American people.”. What the SPJ and the ASNE fail to mention in either of their declarations is the ethical and moral obligation a journalist, or photojournalist has toward their source. To what ends do we, the journalists, take to fulfill guardianship of that responsibility?

           Now some of you may be thinking at this point, “What does this have to do with the photograph Thomas posted to accompany this essay?”. In the recent past, I was invited to participate in something that most civilians are not privy to see. I had the opportunity to be among many men and women who not only stand but act upon their convictions of honor, loyalty, and integrity. On this particular occasion, a multitude stood as one precision unit whose only charge was protecting the general public, that would include everyone reading this, from the evil and criminal activity that infects my beloved state. This operation had focus and was executed with surgical precision. The protectors involved are relentless in their pursuit, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year, even holidays, they are always walking point, and they are always vigilant. I hold these men and women in great reverence for choosing to do a job that our society takes for granted. I do them no justice, I offer them no honor nor do I uphold the trust that I have earned and that they have placed in me by divulging anything more than this one photograph. To confide any further details about their operations would undermine their tactical advantage and put lives at risk and I will not do that! It is my choice to take this ethical path and stay my course based on my ethos.

           As for the image that I included; this is a .357 magnum, long barrel revolver, two bottles of crystal meth and a digital scale. Law enforcement agents recovered these items from a predicate felon whose criminal history was long and distinguished yet somehow; he made it back onto the streets. These items were recovered from inside his vehicle and were part of a seizure in which I had direct involvement. I chose this photograph to illustrate the real and deadly nature that is, the reality, of law enforcement agents EVERYWHERE! This scenario is not a game. Those are real bullets. Each one has the potential to bring death to anyone who is on the receiving end. Husband, wife, son or daughter, grandparents, everyone is a potential target. This arrest was successful, but it could have gone horribly sideways if this criminal, and he is a guilty criminal, decided he did not want to go back to prison. For these reasons, I chose not to reveal anything that would be considered pertinent information about what, where and who I was in contact with this particular night. After the next officer-involved shooting, when you hear someone playing the Monday morning armchair quarterback in line at Starbucks while ordering their overly priced and ridiculously complicated drink, show them this picture and tell them to shut the fuck up. You can tell them it was from me, with sprinkles and a kiss. As always my friends I openly welcome your comments, criticisms, and concerns. I also thank you for being loyal readers and for your assistance in expanding my readership by your likes and your shares. 


