Timothy C. Moynahan
I am a trial lawyer who represents clients in Civil and Criminal Litigation. I am an entrepreneur/deal maker
I disagree with Governor Younkin who supports Trump without qualification. It got me to thinking about how much of Trump’s support is rooted in feelings of attachment that beggar understanding. I had reasons for supporting Trump and for opposing him. When MAGA coalesced behind Trump I agreed with many of the policies expressed while often disagreeing with the manner of their presentation. I was never a card- carrying member of MAGA though I endorsed the bountiful patriotic sensibility at its core that was sadly lacking in Clinton and Biden. My choice of candidate was never in doubt.
MAGA was immediately demonized by the legacy media which consisted of a blanket condemnation and a deprecation of every member. Whoever was for Trump was, lumped together, painted by one negative brush without the grace to distinguish one from any other. MAGA, they bugled like a reveille, was a cult rooted in the fetish of personality. This was the maximum insult they could manage. It came nowhere near describing the hopes and fears of 92 million Americans who love their country and honor its laws which includes some of the best among us. But, like any large organization it possesses a lunatic fringe. The press delighted in conflating the two. MAGA members should be aware of that hostile element, distance themselves, and condemn it. We all should. It is a breed unto itself.
The wholesale defamation of MAGA by media bias persistently alleged similarities with multiple authoritarian regimes in history which stooped at nothing, including the shedding of rivers of blood, to subjugate mankind. Today those incendiary forces are on the extremes of right and left and are not going away anytime soon. One doesn’t have to be an intellectual to abhor their anti-intellectualism. Or to be so ingenuously optimistic to believe that they will disappear by decree or edict. The only way out is to elect leaders who embody American values, continue to evolve, or to turn the keys over to a precisely calibrated AI.
The support for Biden, even declining as it is, can be largely ascribed to the darkest feelings engendered by the press against Trump which are roiled in a cauldron of hatreds deliberately stoked. Their strategy includes misappropriating the message of MAGA by making it synonymous with radicalism and insurrection. There is a very small percentage of MAGA members reasonably described as the looney right. We should not tolerate their looniness for a second. Concomitantly, we must register respect for the well-intentioned MAGA members who have had calumnies heaped upon them by those who purse hatred and divisiveness as an agenda.
It is not difficult to understand why Aristotle despised democracy or why when tried it has been a form of government that went through predicable stages of growth and decline, from success to failure. We are at a pivot point where are choices will determine whether we continue our progress or suffer implacable decline.
I don’t know what Government Younkin truly believes or the others who reflexively parrot much the same thing.?Ambition is a two- sided coin. Einstein was ambitious and Caesar was ambitious. Politics do not commonly generate Einstein’s but Caesar’s and “little Caesars are abundant.?Many are men of principle?who have succumbed to the corrosive compromises required by political imperatives, others have “quaffed the Kool Aid.” They do not represent the great and good men who “ treat their consciences as their kings” thus qualifying as paragons we emulate if we can.
Ours and other nations have had a paucity of philosopher- kings:?as Presidents, Empresses, or Popes, yet, paradoxically, we have had some who though duplicitous served their people well.
I’m convinced that we have become subject to an execrable two- tiered Justice system and that it presents a clear and present danger to the success and survival of America. Those who rail against it are right to do so. They speak for millions of frustrated Americans when they do. It is too soon to decide that the indictment of Trump is presents a glaring example of the prevalent double standard.?Certainly, it affords a golden opportunity to call the DOJ and FBI to account by underscoring the rankling perception that prosecution is deserving of one with the other exempt without even a cursory explanation. Americans are right to demand full transparency to restore the palpable distrust of our Justice system.
I decry and despise the practice of the double standard which plunges a dagger into the heart of our living Constitution so that it bleeds throughout the land spurring the rot of divisiveness among us. I don’t think Trump’s recent indictment transforms him into the standard bearer for equal treatment and due process for all Americans. For one thing, although he is presumed innocent, his self-inflicted wounds are a factor. His conduct carefully delineated in 37 paragraphs of the complaint are alarming. He may be innocent but it’s too early to say. If he is guilty, he should not be excused as a victim of the double standard. He should rise or fall on his own merit or lack thereof.
That is not to say that the two systems of Justice are not shredding?our vaunted standard of the rule of law. We are duty bound to love, honor and obey the sanctity of the even- handed administration of Justice, not submit to the capriciousness of men.?
The antidote is not to excuse Trump if he has done wrong but to prosecute those who have flouted the law arbitrarily and maliciously. Therefore, the President and his family are not excluded, nor are Clapper, Brennan, Comey and a host of other co- conspirators. Like Trump they are presumed innocent, but like Trump, there is sufficient probable cause for their indictments.?